Queer fiction: still looking for amusing & literate
Archive: Gay Themed
I keep hoping to discover more queer fiction to enjoy. When a guy called my used bookshop to say he had two boxes of gay novels to sell I had my hopes.
After he arrived and I?d unpacked the books my survey was as unhopeful as ever. There were the Family Problem, Coming Out, My Penis is the Center of the Universe, inescapably AIDS Novels.
Fluffy novels that looked as sleek and literate as a People magazine profile.
Some pornish fiction but whatever I think of thrusting pelvises in private life I just can?t warm to erotica.
Always seems to be a split between artsy literary (meaning overripe execution of serious intent) and slick pop crap.
2Posted by: boinnng on July 5, 2004 10:21 PM
Try Dennis Hensley?s MISADVENTURES IN THE (213), which, while not exactly homo-erotic, is told in first person by a gay character in the 213 area code and has some hilarious moments in it. Sort of like what TALES OF THE CITY was for SF, this book does for LA, but it?s funnier and more hip! My partner and I BOTH enjoyed it a lot. We also read and enjoyed Hensley?s follow up book, SCREENING PARTY, which is not so much a novel as it is MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 withOUT the movie (this IS a book, after all). He, and a slew of fictional (?) friends, dissect and trash (in varying degrees of hilarious success in various chapters) such films as ?JAWS?, ?FLASHDANCE?, ?SHOWGIRLS?, ?FOR LADIES ONLY?, ?CRUISING?, ?GLITTER?, ?THE SOUND OF MUSIC?, and many others! You also follow the characters away from the movie put down fun and that only adds to the satisfying read! Give them a read (especially the (213))!
3Posted by: Richard on July 6, 2004 01:49 PM
Thanks I?ll try to remember to keep an eye out for Misadventures in the (213). Don?t think I?d get much out of Screening Party since I?ve never seen a one of those movies.
Feel free to leave a comment on Queer fiction: still looking for amusing & literate.
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Disagreement is fine but hate speech won't be tolerated. Even if you share my prejudices I'd rather you not insult other people who leave comments here.
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Thanks, Richard
1Posted by: Kelley on February 6, 2004 03:44 PM
The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustin Gomez-Arcos
?Nuff said.