Marketing for our pink dollars

15 million gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people in the United States, with about $485 billion in spending power

Read Marketing for our pink dollars.

My Fabulous Gay Wedding

Gay cable channel Logo's debut schedule plans include Scott Thompson and Margaret Cho.

Read My Fabulous Gay Wedding.

Playing It Straight

Rebecca Olds has to pick one of the straight men, not choose one of the gay guys.

Read Playing It Straight.

Guys Gone Wild - exploiting the gay market

Guys Gone Wild: once again heterosexual entertainment producers seek to exploit gay men for money. Straight guys used for gay male sexual fantasies.

Read Guys Gone Wild - exploiting the gay market.

Graham Norton on US TV

The Graham Norton Effect on Comedy Central TV cable network channel.

Read Graham Norton on US TV.

GAY-TV, PrideVision, here! TV, LOGO

Gay TV cable channels in the US and around the world.

Read GAY-TV, PrideVision, here! TV, LOGO.

TV's cookie-cutter queers

Gay TV characters and roles reveals a pattern of stereotyping

Read TV's cookie-cutter queers.

Keith Boykin: American Candidate

Gay presidential candidate on reality tv show called American Candidate.

Read Keith Boykin: American Candidate.

Poor James Albright

Rulings that stating someone is homosexual is defamatory had relied on laws criminalizing same-sex sexual acts that might well be unconstitutional.

Read Poor James Albright.

Logo (do I really want my gay TV?)

Logo the Viacom owned gay television cable channel to be part of MTV Networks in 2005: what will queer TV be like?

Read Logo (do I really want my gay TV?).

Rupert Everett: no gay James Bond

There won't be a queer actor playing James Bond, fans would not accept a homosexual in the role

Read Rupert Everett: no gay James Bond.

Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay: queer reality redefined

Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay and other homophobic TV shows that distort the lives of gay men and queer guys buy casting hetersexuals as homosexuals

Read Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay: queer reality redefined.

Gay Soprano

Sopranos features gay wise gay mobster as character

Read Gay Soprano.