The Naked Civil Servant
John Hurt's performance as Quentin Crisp in the Naked Civil Servant deserves to be released on DVD.
Forgotten gay writers, musicians, artists?
Rediscovering, recovering gay novelists, poets, musicians, artists, painters, photographers who've been forgotten by later generationf of queer men.
Netflix can't make useful recommendations, can you?
Netflix's recommendation system works poorly if at all. You need actual human beings if you are looking for movie suggestions.
Those cute and cunning, young and beautiful boys
If only Busby Berkeley had made a gay musical movie comedy featuring pretty boys
Joined Netflix (hope they have lots of queer films)
Decided to join Netflix since I don't have cable TV anymore, hope they have lots of gay movies I haven't already seen
Penn & Teller vs the Bible in Season Two
Second season of Bullshit 2 has Penn and Teller taking on Christianity and the Christian Bible
Life without cable television
Had my cable TV connected, Time Warner took the digital box away and I'm watching silly old movies
Aesthetic cowardice
I flinch from painful gay, queer movies based on real life, preferring to watch cheerful films
Under One Roof
Under One Roof, queer movie with a Chinese-American gay boy who lives with his mother. Happy ending
Quick note on vampire movies
Universal, Hammer and AIP horror and vampire movies gave me more pleasure than action movies like Blade.
Watching too much damned tv
Watching TV: Smallville, Bullshit, Simpsons, King of the Hill, Law & Order.