Quick note on vampire movies

Archive: Watching

A comment on another weblog that I don't have time to expand.

The Hammer vampire movies were among my childhood favorites. Not having any conscious sexuality that young (early 60s) the tended to appeal to my childhood illusions of being above humanity. For me the vampire movie was pretty much dead by the arrival of the awful Count Yorga movies. Though the first Blackula movie had decent moments.

For me Anne Rice killed much of the appeal of the vampire movie. Not the adaptations of her books. Long Interview became a movie her fans started producing cheap vampire movies with, uh, 'sensitive' vampires. I think they mostly killed themselves for the love of a human woman by the movies end. Not what I want from a horror cheapie, not sentimental slop.

I've only seen the first Blade movie. As an action movie I guess it was OK. It didn't strike me as inventive but was at least slickly competent in the Hollywood fashion.

It didn't please me as a vampire movie. One of my big bitches with many contemporary horror movies is that they are really action movies: lots of chase scenes, fights - rarely much effort to sustain a mood, merely a pace.

So my heart is still with the better Universal, Hammer, AIP and Italian movies (although some of the latter are so incoherent it often doesn't matter that they do convey a mood.

[Listening to: Theatre - Pet Shop Boys - (5:10)]

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