Gay Pop Culture
Archive: Gay Themed
I made a note of this earlier but then zapped it.
When Queer Pop Culture was part of my main website it was just called Diversions. I made quick notes of what I was reading, watching and listening to. In buying a domain with a more sober sounding title I sometimes found myself adjusting what I was posting to match the domain name. This was never meant to be a linkage weblog.
I decided to grab a kindred domain name and put links there. For now it is just a few dozen news links about gay people and popular culture. I have ambitions but no idea if I?ll live up to them.
Now that I?ve moved it from TextPattern to Movable Type Gay Pop Culture is live.
Do you have an opinion about this?
Feel free to leave a comment on Gay Pop Culture.
Please keep your comment on topic.
I'm a happily gay atheist. Homophobic, racist comments and conversion attempts are deleted.
Disagreement is fine but hate speech won't be tolerated. Even if you share my prejudices I'd rather you not insult other people who leave comments here.
This is a personal hobby and shouldn't be confused with a more general sort of public forum or chatroom. you'd like to know more about me check about page.
Thanks, Richard