Queer goodness: two boys kissing

Archive: Images

Having bought another computer I don?t have a place to plug in my scanner. So I?ll start on a project I?ve been meaning to attend to. Transferring images from my Edifying Spectacle website to this one (the other?s bandwidth is often taxed to its limit).

Photo of two gay men kissing

There?s plenty of easily available gay erotica. Images of loving gay guys are harder to find. Nothing wrong with joyously slutty behavior but that doesn?t mean you shouldn?t enjoy some plain queer wholesomeness now does it?

1Posted by: babe on September 9, 2004 06:19 PM

I think its good that people can express themselves especially worldwide. Some people don?t understand what it?s like to be gay and are totally against. I think if you are ready to come out then why not it?s you and if other people can?t take them then fuck them! It?s not there life.

2Posted by: Rob on September 20, 2004 12:18 PM

Yeaoww!! I put that pic on my xanga!! :) I luv it! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

3Posted by: Dorian Gray on October 5, 2004 07:49 AM

i found this really good link..it made me feel all warm and fuzzy?::sigh::


4Posted by: Nicky on October 6, 2004 04:42 AM

yeah I think there?s something about this kinda pictures that turns me in a good way better than those hardcore action pics. any idea where i can get more pics of guys kissing n being affectionate n all?

5Posted by: Richard on October 6, 2004 07:15 AM

Pictures this likeable are hard to find.

Do you have an opinion about this?

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Thanks, Richard

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