Joint Hunger?

Archive: Images

You have to give the editorial work behind Joint Hunger credit for piling on the ambiguity.

The needle lets you wonder if the joint is a marijuana cigarette instead of what lurks beneath the muscular blond?s* towel.

Is the novel about drugs or queer sex (not that the two can?t happily combine). Or is the guy using steroids.

The blond* chest and leg hair is pretty well done for this sort of thing. Often is just looks as if the hunk has a skin disease.

Joint Hunger

* Microsoft Word insists that the possessive of blond must include an ?e,? I say the word works with or without.

Richard Evans LeeSeptember 27, 2004Reader, what do you think?
Prior: Going back to Tulsa with Bob WillsNext: Dick and Peter

1Posted by: Chad Stuart on November 18, 2004 05:55 PM

Actually, I?m just delighted to find one of my old books (at least its cover) on your site. Interestingly, perhaps, I learn, not that long ago, that there?s actually someone seriously cataloging the covers of all the early Greenleaf books, gay and otherwise; should be interesting to look at when it?s finished, from the brief preview I?ve already received.

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Thanks, Richard

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