Poor James Albright

Archive: Mass Media

As a gay man, homo, queer, fag I?ve never felt defamed when someone stated the simple truth.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner came as she threw out a lawsuit by a former boyfriend of pop singer Madonna who claimed he was libeled because his name appeared in a photo caption in a book about Madonnaunder a picture of Madonna walking with a homosexual man.

Judge rules ?gay? not libelous

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I'm a happily gay atheist. Homophobic, racist comments and conversion attempts are deleted.

Disagreement is fine but hate speech won't be tolerated. Even if you share my prejudices I'd rather you not insult other people who leave comments here.

This is a personal hobby and shouldn't be confused with a more general sort of public forum or chatroom. you'd like to know more about me check about page.

Thanks, Richard

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