Guys Gone Wild - exploiting the gay market
Archive: Gay ThemedArchive: Mass Media
Guys Gone Wild isn?t really my idea of queer pop culture but an early mention of the series on my main website is getting constant hits. These are straight guys gone wild. Not a bad thing, but not really a gay thing. Though from skimming the Nifty archives I know many gay men have high school jock and college frat boy fantasies.
This is a long way from Will & Grace and Queer as folk. Probably no one involved in the production is actually gay. In a way it takes me back to the old days when some of the older gay men I knew thought only a straight guy could be a ?real? man.
In the bawdy video, on sale July 13, producer Misty Nicole uses her good looks and sexy voice to charm men out of their clothing - and into performing outrageous stunts they probably now regret.
?It?s like Jackass but with naked frat boys,? says Nicole, a 24-year-old Texas native who now lives in West L.A. ?I would find the craziest group of guys, take my camera and start to film them.?
?Baby Take It Off?
In a way it almost seems to hark back to the old Athletic Model Guild days with images of guys tossing balls though without the faux classical trimmings AMG was so fond of. The Athletic Model Guild men were never wild. But they were an early instance of using mostly straight men to produce gay male fantasies.
Starting July 13, three titles will be available on DVD and video through a Web site and an 800 number: Guys Gone Wild, Guys Gone Wild: Spring Break and Guys Gone Wild: Frat Boys.
The stars are young, good-looking guys who aren?t shy about taking it all off and letting it all hang out. They gyrate like strippers, do push-ups and, in one memorable scene, bounce up and down on their hotel room beds while tossing a football back and forth.
Equal time brings us Guys Gone Wild
?I really like it. Why not let us take a peek at what the men have under their clothes? They?re working out to make their bodies hard, so why not? Girls, boys, everyone should go wild,? the paper quoted a cocktail waitress, as saying after watching the video.
Girls get ready for Guys Gone Wild!
Obviously the producers know that gay men will be among their customers. Given the quality of gay erotica available I can?t see anyone would bother with something so tame but there?s a vast variety of fantasies. Producers long ago that some men are happier with dream stuff that seems ordinary, more plausible than airbrushed perfection.
But Horn also expects the videos will to appeal to gay men. ?There?s a certain amount of gay women who purchase Girls Gone Wild,he said.
Dropping trou makes for ?gag gift,? says spokesman
Mantra Entertainment?s Bill Horn, says he expects ?Guys? to be a hit with college girls, bachelorette parties and gay men.
Although, the gay men seem to be getting the shaft.
YO! Features
Two men kissing, boys with lips together, guys smooching - what could be more fear inspiring?
In Girls Gone Wild, there?s plenty footage of co-eds stripping off their tops and making out. Horn says while girls kissing is considered sexy, guys doing the same thing isn?t sexy. He admits there?s a double standard.
You knew it?d be coming: Guys Gone Wild videos
So gentle gay reader, will you be ordering one or all of the DVDs or do you think it another instance of the heterosexual media exploiting gay men?
2Posted by: visibleh20 on July 6, 2004 09:21 AM
I like the idea. I think it?s really about straight guys learning to admit that they like another guys body without getting all christianed out. I mean hey, a nude guy swinging his dick is something I don?t mind seeing.
4Posted by: bbboy on July 8, 2004 12:40 AM
wow, what is wrong with seeing the beauty of the male body, straigt or gay? I like all men, not just the ones that I may sleep with or have a relationship. Whose to say that they all are straight anyway?
5Posted by: RH on July 9, 2004 03:44 PM
Do we have the link to their website, and /or toll free number to order vids yet?
6Posted by: Jimmy on July 15, 2004 03:18 PM
I think the idea that this venture somehow involves heterosexuals expoiting the fags to be more complicated than what?s being said in whenever discussions about this video are raised:
1). The idea that this video is for produced for women with ?probably, maybe, we don?t know- could be? some gay men buying it is ABSOLUTELY erroneous. People in the porn industry are smart and know how the porn market works. I?d be willing to wager that 50 gay men will purchase this for everyone one woman that buys this video. That ratio roughly makes up the readership of Playgirl magazine even though the magazine adamantly will not address their readership as anything other than female. They do this in order to a). make sure that they are branding/ selling the fantasy of straight men nude for the consumption of gay men into this fantasy and b). insure that the dominantly heterosexual model base is able to pose without threatening their sexual identity (or they?re professional identity in the case of some straight male porn models- witness how straight porn superstars like Dale Dabone and Mark Davis have NO problem posing for PG but would never do a gay mag- even though the pay is MUCH higher). The producers of GGW know and bank on this- this is very much a ?gay? video in that sense.
2). The idea that this exploits gay men by selling the idea that straight men are ?real men? and more sexually desirable is somewhat misleading. By having straight men doff their clothes you are essentially ?queering? them. Heterosexist masculinity involves NOT being the sexual object (like women are) but being the sexual subject. Through the objectification of straight (and all) men eventually you create a culture where sexual orientations can be easily blurred and fucked around with; every man and women can be acknowledge as a sexual object by everybody. Well, at least that?s what I think.
7Posted by: Sherie on July 16, 2004 02:41 AM
I think it?s about time. Personally, I?m tired of always seeing half naked and naked women gyrating up against each other. Let the men make fools of themselves in the nude. Give us girls something to look at. I would definitely watch men gone wild. Hope it?s good looking guys, that have something going on.
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Thanks, Richard
1Posted by: michelle on July 5, 2004 09:44 AM
WOW, these movies sound awesome!!! I?m all up for it, but how do I get ahold of them??