Mansion of Men

Archive: Images

Mansion of Men

There was a strange craving in Jock Short that could only be resolved by homosexuality. It was a craving that brought him the deepest insights, to love, brutality, pleasure and terror.

Jock Short? Does he fall in love with the fruit of the loom or the Man from Hanes?

My thinking about my own sexuality has given me insights. I hope I haven?t written about them with such purpled prose.

The two young men on the porch swing look sweet but marketing understandably dictated putting the blond fellow who look?s like Frank N. Furter?s science experiment in the foreground.

Richard Evans LeeJune 22, 2004Reader, what do you think?
Prior: Was Jim Morrison bisexual?Next: Clothesdick

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I'm a happily gay atheist. Homophobic, racist comments and conversion attempts are deleted.

Disagreement is fine but hate speech won't be tolerated. Even if you share my prejudices I'd rather you not insult other people who leave comments here.

This is a personal hobby and shouldn't be confused with a more general sort of public forum or chatroom. you'd like to know more about me check about page.

Thanks, Richard

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