Mr. Ballerina

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Mr. Ballerina paperback cover

Well everybody just knows that all male ballet dancers are gay, right? That makeup and those tight, tight see-through pants. Who else would want to put their crotch on public display? Just look at Nijinksy and Nureyev!

If McFadden-Bartell ever published a good book or magazine in its decades long history that amazing fact has been buried by the house?s commitment to whatever cheap junk it could get for cheap. I used to go out of my way to find their science fiction but only because for a time I was looking for the worst I could find.

Richard Evans LeeMay 24, 2004Reader, what do you think?
Prior: The boy and the maskNext: Michelangelo's David

1Posted by: Lepidoptera on July 6, 2004 12:13 PM

Good morning! I know that most people think that male ?ballerina?s are gay, but are there any lesbian ballerinas? I mean, I know there must be, but it widely acknowledged? This is a hard thing to answer. But that you know of, are most ballerinas straight? Lydia

2Posted by: Tight on July 6, 2004 01:44 PM

No reason to assume there isn?t a full spectrum of sexuality among ballet dancers just as with truck drivers and nuclear physicists.

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Thanks, Richard

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