Looking for gay popular culture links
Archive: Gay Themed
I have yet another weblog in the works. Really I?d like to keep Queer Pop Culture personal and resist the urge to link to gay popular culture articles on the web. My new website will focus on doing that.
Articles about gay musicians, comic books, movies. And both homophobic and gay friendly creators of popular culture.
If you?ve written something about a gay artist or some aspect of gay popular culture I?d appreciate it if you?d send me a link. I?m not worried about profundity. As long as it is more than a couple of paragraphs and it is an appreciation of gay creativity I?ll welcome and be glad to post the link.
Silly, lowbrow, trashy is fine. I have no urge to do queer theory.
If you haven?t written anything yourself but have seen a page you wish more would visit send me that URL.
Links about, say, Kylie Minogue aren?t what I have in mind unless she collaborates with a gay musician or releases a gay positive single.
Comments & Trackbacks (URL: http://www.gaypopculture.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/405)
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Please keep your comment on topic.
I'm a happily gay atheist. Homophobic, racist comments and conversion attempts are deleted.
Disagreement is fine but hate speech won't be tolerated. Even if you share my prejudices I'd rather you not insult other people who leave comments here.
This is a personal hobby and shouldn't be confused with a more general sort of public forum or chatroom. you'd like to know more about me check about page.
Thanks, Richard