Free gay short fiction
Archive: Gay ThemedArchive: Reading
I get lots of requests to post links, mostly automated spam requests from bottom-tier ecommerce sites that scan domain registration data. Then there?s the rare exception. Lots of people scan the web hoping for interesting fiction to read. An honest LGBT fiction site is worth noting for its own sake. NB: Below I?m quoting their press release.
?Internet-based fiction journals have become a significant force in publishing, especially for serious short fiction. In Web-only lit journals such as Blithe House Quarterly, the short-story form is alive and clicking.?
Baltimore City PaperNow in its eighth year of online publication, Blithe House Quarterly features new short stories by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) authorsboth emerging and established. With an average of over 24,000 readers per issue, Blithe House Quarterly is the most widely read of LGBT literary periodicals. Out Magazine has called us ?the central publishing arm of new queer fiction.? A recipient of Encyclopaedia Britannica?s Internet Guide Award, we are also a featured site on internet hubs. writes: ?Blithe House Quarterly is an electronic magazine up to the standards of print.? In fact, our literary standards our higher than those of many print media. We publish LGBT fiction not as a genre or ghetto, but as a literature that can stand by any other in its quality and innovation.
Blithe House Quarterly
Hope you find something you enjoy reading.
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Thanks, Richard