Archive: Culture Low and High
You never know what odd, amusing websites will appear:
hello, and welcome to pseudodictionary, the place where words you?ve made up can become part of an actual online dictionary! slang, webspeak, colloquialisms?you name it, if you know a word that should be in the dictionary but isn?t, submit it and we?ll post it on this site (with credit given to you of course).
Of course my problem is the words I create accidentally.
only words which don?t break any of the guidelines will be added to the site. basically, just make sure the words you submit aren?t drug related, overly sexual, describing genitals or body functions, and aren?t racist or hateful. ?
Guess I won?t be submitting Androgynosexual, Androgynophillia to them.
Feel free to leave a comment on Pseudodictionary.
Please keep your comment on topic.
I'm a happily gay atheist. Homophobic, racist comments and conversion attempts are deleted.
Disagreement is fine but hate speech won't be tolerated. Even if you share my prejudices I'd rather you not insult other people who leave comments here.
This is a personal hobby and shouldn't be confused with a more general sort of public forum or chatroom. you'd like to know more about me check about page.
Thanks, Richard
1Posted by: hd on April 14, 2004 09:28 PM
Your words look OK for submitting to the pseudodictionary. Just be coherent and you?ll probably get in.
I should know?I?m the editor.