A couple of books on the English Reformation
Archive: Reading
Once upon a time Europeans were all Roman Catholic. OK, that ignores the Orthodox churches. Western Europeans all acknowledged the Pope as the boss of the world (except when a powerful emperor thought otherwise.) On and off people disgusted by the corruption, the theological accumulations that weren't in the bible would try to follow their own path. Always they were ruthlessly surpassed, burnt or massacred.
Then came Martin Luther. In England at least since Wycliffe's time people would try to recover what they thought was the true faith. Again they were suppressed, murdered if need be. Henry VIII as well all know wanted a divorce (eventually several). His intransigent desire for a heir would eventually bring Protestantism to England. In a way to this we owe the Baptists and Pentecostals that interfere with sane living in America today. I'd had a few books on the English Protestant reformation kicking about for years and am finally getting to them.
G. R. Elton's Reform & Reformation: England, 1509-1558 is an old fashioned history that doesn't abandon scholarship or the need for the non-specialist's accessibility. One of those rare books that is hard to put down once you've started. There's always a strong feeling for character, a keen sense of the uncertain complexity of happenings so long ago, and a gift for presenting details.
I followed that with A.G. Dickens' The English Reformation. Dickens gives more attention to doctrine and theology. To a degree he's an amiable old Anglican duffer but you can read around it.
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