Everybody in the world goes to Hell

Archive: Lurid Trash

The Devil's Messenger

I dimly remember reading about this collection of a planned but aborted TV show called No. 13 Demon Street. Herbert Strock was never one to waste or even spend money so he assembled scraps as a movie, The Devil's Messenger.

It isn't really clear if Lon Chaney is the Devil or just the functionary who greets the newly damned souls. Hell is a poverty row affair so Satan maybe doorman as well as master.

The plot, as irrelevant as it is: a damned soul named Satanya (!) arrives in Hell and Chaney offers he a chance at an unspecified better damnation if she'll act as his messenger. She may be nuts but she's not stupid enough to say no.

In the last segment she gets to drag the man who jilted her down into damnation. Together they take a formula for a half-gigaton atomic bomb back to earth. We never get the lowdown on who or why anybody sets it off but they do and presumably everybody goes to Hell.

Nice print, well worth the $5.95 that Oldies.com asks for it.

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Thanks, Richard

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