Boys who make money

Archive: Lurid Trash

Dime novel magazine Fame and Fortune Weekly presents the story of the boy who became "Boss of the Market." Given the current sentiments of many folks in the era of Bush II I'm surprised some enterprising young Republican hasn't revived adventures in money making.

Boys who make money on wall street

From Stanford's Dime Novel and Story Paper Collection:

Both genres flourished from the middle to the close of the 19th century in America and England (where the novels were known as "penny dreadfuls"), and benefited from three mutually reinforcing trends: the vastly increased mechanization of printing, the growth of efficient rail and canal shipping, and ever-growing rates of literacy.

The dime novels were aimed at youthful, working-class audiences and distributed in massive editions at newsstands and dry goods stores. Though the phrase conjures up stereotyped yarns of Wild West adventure, complete with lurid cover illustration, many other genres were represented: tales of urban outlaws, detective stories, working-girl narratives of virtue defended, and costume romances.

Dime Novels & Penny Dreadfuls

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