Music as sex
Archive: Listening
When I started buying CDs I thought I'd accumulate novelty and humor CDs. I never did. An an email exchange today I think I summed up how I decide which CDs I keep: If the music doesn't affect me like good sex I won't keep it.
With the possible exception of the Boswell Sisters, The Ravens were the greatest vocal group of all time.
2Posted by: traci on April 22, 2004 03:21 PM
i want to what songs u guys have listened to that have everything to do with sex. Songs that have to do with sex,etc.
3Posted by: Richard on April 22, 2004 03:38 PM
Depends on what you mean by sex. Prince comes to mind first, James Brown second. For me Marc Almond is very, very sexy.
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Thanks, Richard
1Posted by: Sunny on November 24, 2003 11:38 AM
You said it. Music can be a very sexual experience for me, and different songs or different types of music are like the varying degrees of lovers! I like music that turns me on, the more, the better. I am currently writing an essay on my philosophy of music being ?sex for your ears?!