Christmas with the Chuck Wagon Gang
Archive: Listening
Charles went with me to the CD store when we first met. He saw a collection of ABBA?s greatest hits and bitched that he didn?t a copy, his ex still had the one they both shared. When we moved in together the only musician or group that Charles and I both owned work by when we met was the Chuck Wagon Gang.
The Chuck Wagon Gang is a long-lived traditional southern gospel group. Knowing little about white gospel I own little. (I take enormous pleasure in Golden Age black gospel like the Pilgrim Travelers, Soul Stirrers and Swan Silvertones.)
For Charles the Chuck Wagon Gang is the essence of the people and things he lost from his youth. He?d wanted their recordings but they?ve had few CDs and most of them are out of print.
Shortly before his last birthday a gospel record dealer who has been visiting Books Do Furnish A Room for many years dropped by. Thankfully it hit me that the dealer would have old Chuck Wagon Gang LPs and we could find a cheap turntable to play them on.
Charles has played those old Chuck Wagon Gang records so often that I sometimes leave the house when he has them on the record player.
Several months ago I found a gospel music website that has some of the Chuck Wagon Gang CDs that flashed quickly into and out of print. So I ordered the batch above.
I?m no good at concealing what I?ve bought for him. When he was feeling exhausted last Friday I told him they were on the way. And wanting to cheer him up today I handed them over rather than waiting for Christmas day.
That was the beginning and end of my Christmas shopping.
A surprising number of people found the entry where I mentioned buying the Chuck Wagon Gang LPs for Charles? birthday. If similar folk arrive here you want to go to Harold Timmons? Gospel Gallery for Chuck Wagon Gang CDs. And you can email Harold Dickerson for old Chuck Wagon Gang records.
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Thanks, Richard