Henry Scott Tuke & Thomas Eakins

Archive: Images

I couldn?t help but smile when I got this email.

Hi - I?ve been browsing your blogs, and found this picture - can you tell me who it?s by?

The page on my primary personal weblog that shows a copy of the painting is one of the most requested pages on my main website. Why I?ve never been sure. I think it is an attractive homoerotic image. My suspicion is that some search engine fluke made the painting sound more explicit than it is.

The painter is Henry Scott Tuke:

Young men painted by Henry Scott Tuke

Tuke also met Oscar Wilde in the 1880s and developed connections with the Uranian poets and writers who celebrated the adolescent male. He wrote a sonnet to youth that was published anonymously in the journal The Artist and also contributed an essay to The Studio, another journal that published Uranian verse and essays.

Tuke, Henry Scott (1858-1929)

Book with many paintings by Henry Scott Tuke: The Life & Work of Henry Scott Tuke: 1858-1929

I?d been thinking of Tuke after recently reading about Thomas Eakins:

Thomas Eakins young men

According to Eakins, a naked woman ?is the most beautiful thing there is?except a naked man.? When he was promoted in 1876 to director of instruction at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, he gained control of the school?s teaching curriculum and promptly based it on the nude figure, male and female. However, in 1886 Eakins lost his position because he promoted the nude image. More specifically, he was fired for allowing female students to view a nude male model in their life drawing classes.

Eakins, Thomas (1844-1916)

Book on Eakins: Man Made: Thomas Eakins and the Construction of Gilded-Age Manhood (Men and Masculinity)

1Posted by: François on May 3, 2004 04:35 PM

Another really nice book about Eakins is http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0789306786/qid=1083616446/sr=1-1/ref=sr11/103-5742922-2412627?v=glance&s=books

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Thanks, Richard

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