Gay Vampire

Archive: Images

Gay Vampire

From the title you?d expect Gay Vampire to be a queer horror novel. I suspicion is that vampire is used metaphorically. The man isn?t looking to suck the youth?s blood but - let us say that he?s seeking to recruit him into that gay agenda that homophobes seem to know so much more about than I do. And I thought I was a charter member.

1Posted by: QVamp on July 23, 2004 01:13 AM

Nope. The books about gay vampires -

(glad you like my cover scan)

2Posted by: Richard on July 23, 2004 06:24 AM

Thanks for the clarification. I tend to assume these old paperbacks have misleading covers.

Actually that scan came from eBay. If I ever want to use something from Queer Horror I?d ask permission, give attribution.

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Thanks, Richard

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