Queer as folk season 4 promos

Archive: Gay Themed

While people wait for QAF Season 4 to arrive this spring (as I read but can't remember where) here are a couple of Queer as folk Season 4 Promo clips to look at.

Richard Evans LeeDecember 22, 2003Reader, what do you think?
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1Posted by: xena on December 29, 2003 07:05 PM

omg- gueer as folk is by far most the best series i have ever watched. i wanted brian and justin to stay together they have such a history. and i love lindsay she is the hottest?. xena

2Posted by: heyhey on January 4, 2004 10:45 PM

when does season 4 start?

3Posted by: Hexx on January 7, 2004 07:33 AM

What is the music on the second promo called?

And oh dear god dont let that be HUNTER!!

4Posted by: theone on January 10, 2004 12:31 PM

Do you know the song thats corus goes ?you?re gonna be scared of me???It will be in the 4 show in the new season but I would like to get the track if you know it. Thanks

5Posted by: nikdor on January 11, 2004 02:15 PM

If anyone knows when season 4 starts, please send me an e-mail. [email protected]. Its my favorite show. thanks

6Posted by: Margaux on January 12, 2004 12:56 PM

Hi everyone! If anyone could help me find the song at the end of the last episode of the second season (I?m french so i?m a bit late?), that would be great. It is the final one when all the band is at the club and Brian sees Justin leaving with Ethan. Thank u very much!

7Posted by: Slayer on January 17, 2004 11:32 AM

personally i am not gay but i must say that Queer as folk is my favorite show. my best friend just came out of the closet and he got me into the show. how did they come up with something as hot as this? !!! i cant wait for season 4.

8Posted by: aaron11 on January 17, 2004 01:06 PM

I was talking with someone on the crew of QAF 4, and the reason that there are only 14 episodes is obviously to make sure that the stories don?t get too diluted so as to stretch them out.. but the main reason is Showtime?s concerns for cash. They?ve now got a policy that most of their ?own? shows will only produce 13-14 episodes a year to keep within new budget restrictions. The extra cash saved from not doing so many other episodes on one show (new QAF episodes budget around $1 to $1.2 million per episode)means that they can develop other, newer shows, like the new lesbian-oriented drama ?The L-Word?. You?ll notice that it too, in it?s first season, is only going to be 14 episodes.

9Posted by: re on January 19, 2004 03:59 AM

I, along with others it seems, am looking for the name and artist of the track that appears at the end of the episode in which the character Brian?s father dies. (I think that?s the second series.) It?s the song playing as he casts the bowling ball down the street. If anyone could assist that would be great

10Posted by: iyelli on January 19, 2004 02:06 PM

that song is by badly drawn boy and it?s called ?the shining?

11Posted by: Simone on January 19, 2004 05:56 PM

I love QAF. I have watched the american version ever since I found it after watching the English version years a go I cant wait for season 4 maybe Brian will wake up and finally tell Justn he loves him!!but who knows maybe then Justin will have found some one else and it will all be Brian?s fault.

12Posted by: Gemini on January 19, 2004 11:16 PM

Please can someone tell me when Season 4 starts, I have looked everywhere? All I have seen is Spring, and that doesnt help much! I love QAF and can?t wait for it to start! Thanks a bunch!!!

13Posted by: Timmay on January 20, 2004 01:19 AM

Heyo I love QAF its the best show ever and this is the first time ive ever heard of season four, and if anyone knows when it starts that would be absolutle fantastic

14Posted by: re on January 20, 2004 04:09 AM

Thanks, iyelli.

15Posted by: vkrivak on January 20, 2004 08:24 PM

Can someone tell what the music/song is called in the 2 promo clip for season 4?

16Posted by: re on January 21, 2004 01:08 AM

Hello Margaux, You were looking for the song title for the closing scene, second series. The artist is Bjork, and the title is ?Human?. Cheers.

17Posted by: Andrea on January 21, 2004 12:25 PM

I?m a student at Seneca College (on the York Campus)? and today at school the Queer As Folk Crew was there filming! I saw some of the cast, it was sooo kewl :)

Anyways.. they were filming for Season 4.. so it?s under way, obviously. What exact date in the ?spring? that it will premiere, no idea; but I also would love to know so I don?t miss it. (I?m sure we?ll hear about it soon) Take care all :)

18Posted by: Elle on January 22, 2004 04:28 AM

does anybody know the song: i wonna be a cowboy (in the first series) and what?s it called? thx :)

19Posted by: Sarah on January 23, 2004 12:58 PM

The scene when Brian rolls the bowling ball down the street is from season one and its not even the end of the episode.

20Posted by: ElwenRhiannon on January 24, 2004 05:15 PM

Speaking of songs?does anyone remember the title (and, by the way, the artist)of the one played at the very end of season 3?s episode 14, when they?re all dancing at the street?

21Posted by: anna on January 25, 2004 08:20 AM

i love q.a.s!!! it?s the best show ever!!!!! does anybody know some movies with the cast???? i would love to see some of their other work? can?t wait for season 4 bye

22Posted by: Andrea on January 26, 2004 02:59 PM


Season Four begins in April of 2004. the 18th in the US the 19th in Canada

of course my source could be wrong lol

:D can?t wait

23Posted by: Deedlit on January 28, 2004 03:00 AM

HI , just wondering if any one knoes the song in that promo clip they did in Season 2. YOu knoe the one with the colorful light bulbs behind them and featuring each of them indiviually at first before putting them in couples and emmett was in this pink shirt and he jumps on ted, justin in blue think brian was in this REALLY SEXY red shirt?.

24Posted by: Bernie on January 28, 2004 01:05 PM

In Dominican Republic a lot of friends (me included) are waiting for d season 4, can someone tell us when it starts?

25Posted by: Nicole on January 30, 2004 12:18 PM

The title of the song that is played at the very end of season 3?’s episode 14, when they?’re all dancing at the street is ?True Faith? and the artist is ?New order?

26Posted by: Quinny on January 31, 2004 01:49 AM

Hey Everyone, Im from Australia, and the show is HUGE over here I was just wondering can anyone tell me.. in the second promo when they walk down the stairs Justin?s hair is really long.. but by the end of the promo where they are all standing there his hair looks shorter then the first season.. or is it just my imagination??? Also.. whats the song in the background ?work is baby??? who sings that?

If someone can help.. that?d be awesome thanks. Quinny

27Posted by: Jason on February 1, 2004 05:30 PM

can I be on the show call me

I will be bryans new man he can boan me all night long till we wake up i want to teach BRY him how to be nice and fall in love . Cause I am nasty untill treated like a man should!

sincerly the queer with a broken heart.

fell in love and got crushed!

Jason trevor brumfield 502036104867 mailing address plfag mom maragret Brumfield 6408 concord hill road louisville kentucky 40219 attention J?s Secretary and Mother !

28Posted by: stu on February 2, 2004 02:35 PM

If anybody needs any songs from any episodes they are posted on this awesome website i found a while back. hope this helps


29Posted by: Amy on February 3, 2004 12:57 AM

I totally love Q.A.F. and I am so excited it is getting so big and getting so many loyal fans. Q.A.F. RULES!

30Posted by: kadyn on February 3, 2004 09:18 AM

Hi everyone from Australia

I was wondering if anybody knows the song when bryan and justing get back together after the ?Ethan Inccident? the lyrics went ?Here by my side an angel here by my side the devil never turn ya back on me???.. i play that part of the episode over and over it is the best song it shows how much bryan really lloves justin it touched me so much.. thanks everyone

kadyn 21 from australia

31Posted by: Badheadinmorning on February 3, 2004 06:09 PM

Hey everyone. Being a huge fan of showtime and QAF, I saw the Promo number 2 and I?m trying to figure out who sings that song. Does anyone recognize that song? Let me know. Thanks

32Posted by: aus boy on February 3, 2004 09:12 PM

hi every1 im from aus and i really love qaf i try 2 never miss a eppisode.can ne1 tell me whre i coud find sum pics plez?

33Posted by: evanbear on February 5, 2004 04:41 PM

Kadyn - the ?here by my side? song is called ?Weapon? by Matthew Good.

34Posted by: Goldie on February 6, 2004 09:14 AM

I am an aussie straight girl who has got all my girlfriends in to the best show on telly today! I am so glad we have finally got series 3 underway here (yes we are a bit behind)!!!!!! I am hoping that we will be able to buy the series on DVD in shops soon because my taped episodes on video are going funny cos i keep watching them!! Does any one know of the series coming out on DVD in Australia!! The cast is great and the stories are great and I love this show!!! Goldie

35Posted by: Quinny on February 7, 2004 03:29 AM

Someone out there must know where this ?work it baby? song from Promo 2 comes from surely!!

Im starting to think its just made for that ad.. if it is they should make an extended mix and release it.

36Posted by: Elly4now on February 10, 2004 11:52 AM

I?m looking for that song (2nd promo clip) & looks like I?m not the only one. We?ll eventually find it, guys.

37Posted by: Elly4now on February 10, 2004 01:50 PM

Well, I?ve looked everywhere for any info on that ?mysterious season 4, 2nd clip promo? song, & I finally found the name of it on the Show Case board. Apparently it?s called ?Thank You baby? by King Force, but I can?t confirm, since it?s almost impossible to find it. I have, however, found one file on Kazaa. It?s not available at the moment, but I?m going to keep trying. Hey, it?s easier now that I know the title.

38Posted by: Chayse on February 11, 2004 04:29 AM

What is the song name for the Season 4 promo, Clip 2??.. if ne one knows, email, [email protected]

thanks, Chayse ^-^

39Posted by: Elly4now on February 11, 2004 02:36 PM

Chayse, read my previous post.

Christ! The song?s nearly impossible to find.

40Posted by: Jade on February 17, 2004 05:15 PM

Hey, does anybody know where i can find the Murk vs Krristine W. video?some Lovin??? (from Season three)

41Posted by: TOY on February 17, 2004 10:36 PM

Hi I?m wondering, do you know a site where I can download seasons 1 and 2???? thanx!!!!

42Posted by: Opal on February 21, 2004 05:53 AM

If anyone finds a copy of ?“Thank You baby?” could you send it to me? I can?t find it on Kazaa? [email protected]

43Posted by: Opal on February 21, 2004 06:59 AM

?I Wanna Be A Cowboy? is by Boys Don?t Cry

44Posted by: hi :D on February 21, 2004 11:33 AM

I?m seeking for Thank You Baby if someone has it please send it to me at [email protected].


45Posted by: alldis on February 24, 2004 04:09 PM

promo 2:

edonkey: King Force - Thank You Baby.mp3

but be aware: that song sucks ass.. it has so nothing of the feeling and power of the song they used for the promo.. even the ?thank you baby? sounds a bit different.. plus all the 6 minutes of the song is sorrounded by some loosy trance or whatever beat.. im really disappointed

46Posted by: Bea on February 25, 2004 11:03 AM

Season 4 Premieres April 18, 2004

47Posted by: alldis on February 25, 2004 02:14 PM

how is that song from promo 3 called?

?You bring me heaven, time after time, you take my breath away?

i really WANT it :>

48Posted by: jbwoman on February 28, 2004 10:48 PM

That song you?re looking for is by The Chemical Brothers ?Let Forever Be?. That was the song playing when Brian was bowling after his father died. ?Surrender? is the album to pick up, it?s great, worth the money. I hope that helps!!!

49Posted by: Elly4now on March 1, 2004 01:19 PM

Thanks anyway, alldis. I guess it?s a remix then. People are making such a big deal (incl. myself), they?re going to have to release it. ;-)

50Posted by: liz on March 3, 2004 09:10 PM

hey i have been reading fanfiction and have heard alot about season 4 spoilers. but i do not know where to find them. if anyone know a website please please e-mail. [email protected]

51Posted by: Chayse on March 4, 2004 06:54 AM

alldis, yer link to the song, Thank You Baby is broken, it doesnt work.. can you send it to me.. [email protected]


52Posted by: qaf is the best show ever on March 5, 2004 11:35 AM

does anyone know the name of th song at the end of episode 14 in the third season? (the celebratory scence out on liberty ave) ..thanks!

53Posted by: Hexx on March 5, 2004 02:15 PM

?The title of the song that is played at the very end of season 3?’s episode 14, when they?’re all dancing at the street is ?“True Faith?” and the artist is ?“New order?

It was written above ;). Maybe we should stop poasting all about the music, we are taking over this guys page

54Posted by: Richard on March 5, 2004 02:27 PM

He doesn?t mind. Write away.

The Pansexual Sodomite

55Posted by: Teddy on March 9, 2004 12:10 PM

I cannot find the song that is called..?here by my side?. I have like 1 minute of it?if anyone knows who sings it could you email me?? Please i am soo hooked on the song. Thanks everyone!! Oh and hey when does season 4 start anyways?? lol

56Posted by: Rube on March 9, 2004 08:15 PM

Okay, the song with the ?here by my side? lyrics is called ?Weapon? and it?s by Mathew Good Band.

57Posted by: kym on March 9, 2004 10:12 PM

The last song of the season 4 promo what is it called.

58Posted by: Jennifer on March 11, 2004 10:52 PM

Hi everyone I have been a QAF fan since the beginning. QAF is my favorite show and I cant wait for the 4th season to start. In january of 2002 I MET HAL SPARKS (MICHEAL), RANDY HARRISON(JUSTIN) and GALE HAROLD (BRIAN), at tower records in NYC where I live at their first season DVD signing. It was a great experience, I got pictures, autographs and they were down to earth really cool guys. This past sunday-3/7/04 in NJ I was at the 3rd season DVD signing in FYE at the quakerbridge mall and I met HAL SPARKS AGAIN, ROBERT GANT (BEN) and HARRIS ALLAN (HUNTER). If anyone wants to check out my pics with the folks my AOL screenname is JELLYASSJENN@[email protected] or u could email me and ill send you them. This DVD signing was better then the first, i got to hug them, and pose in pictures with them. HAL SPARKS,ROBERT GANT, AND HARRIS ALLAN, were absolute sweethearts. The most embaressing thing happened to me, when I went to hug ROBERT GANT i spilled his starbucks coffee on him. I could not believe that happened i turned like bright red and apologized like so many times, he was really nice about it though. I believe in one of the comments someone was asking what the song was in the last episode of the second season, its called Human behaviour. that song is so awesome I have it. I love all the songs on QAF. Bye everyone if anyone has any questions or wants me to email them my pics of the folks email me at [email protected]

59Posted by: Jennifer on March 11, 2004 10:59 PM

Hey everyone, I see everyone is asking and helping eachother out with songs. I have a song question from QAF. In the 1st season, the king of babylon episode, when Justin is telling the drag queen announcer hes ready to go on stage, hes like whispering in her ear, and all the guys are goin up to david and michaels ripping up their fone #?s, while all this is going on this HOT HOUSE SONG is playing like a GIRL SINGING ?LALALA?, its been driving me nuts ever since i saw that episode, does anyone know the name of that song??????

60Posted by: Elly4now on March 12, 2004 10:46 AM

Jennifer, consult this website, you?ll certainly find it here:


61Posted by: julie on March 12, 2004 11:15 PM

this song is driving me crazy! it?s from the season 4 promos

?“You bring me heaven, time after time, you take my breath away?”

does anybody know the song????

62Posted by: Jennifer on March 14, 2004 12:59 PM

Thank you Elly4now.. Mwaaz!

63Posted by: Jennifer on March 14, 2004 01:15 PM

Elly4now..This site is amazing,its exactly what ive been looking for. Thank you sooo much I really appreciate it =)

64Posted by: Jenn on March 14, 2004 02:25 PM

Not only did I get to see all the wonderful promos (thank you!), but now all the comments have helped to answer some music questions!

I have a question myself: In the Season 4 sneak peak there?s a song that plays throughout. At first I thought it was ?I don?t want you? by Wide Life, but when I listened closer I realized that it wasn?t. The dialogue masks the words, so if anyone has a clue to what it was, I would love to know.

65Posted by: Rui on March 14, 2004 03:42 PM

Hi everyone. Just passin? by I?d discovered your website. I?m thrilled! It has been a while I don?t hear anything about QAF? Probably because I?m BRAZILIAN? But yeah, I love QAF? The 3rd season has ended suddenly and since then, no more QAF for me :) But I will get all the infos here now!

And mail me! I´m a hot Brazilian Boy :)) Just kiddin Thanks

66Posted by: Willem on March 17, 2004 10:04 AM

Just finished my first watching of QAF season 3, and every night I watched I found myself wanting to see yet another episode before going to sleep. It?s a great series, right from the very first episode of season 1. I must have seen season 1 & 2 four times at least and occasional episodes more often - especially the Brian & Justin dance at the prom. It?s the Brian & Justin story that I find the most emotionally touching. It?s crying stuff, and no other story line or relation is doing this to me. Brian is my absolute favorite - with Justin almost on par. Sure he?s an asshole but he?s also the most honest guy around, no pretences, no excuses, and totally comitted. The pain inside is showing through all the time and his relation with Justin is so moving. One thing especially I like is they do not pretend to be monogamous at all and are the most open about their sexuality. I think it?s an example they?re setting. And now it?s another year waiting for season 4 to be available on DVD :(

67Posted by: Emmett Fan on March 27, 2004 03:14 AM

Does anybody know what?s the name of the actor who enter the season 4 and he appear in the pictures at the comic store next to Justin? thanks bye

68Posted by: jmeb on March 28, 2004 02:36 PM

Help, help, help! Have we gotten Julie?s question answered from post #61? I, too, want to find that song. The promo is currently on Showtime?s QAF site. The song runs for about the last 1/3 of the promo.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Finding this song has become a minor obsession of mine.

69Posted by: morphosis on March 31, 2004 06:45 AM

Season Four of the Showcase Original Series Queer As Folk begins Monday, April 19 at 10 p.m. ET/PT The third season ended with Brian (Gale Harold) $100,000 in debt after successfully curtailing the political aspirations of a homophobic mayoral candidate. Meanwhile, Melanie (Michelle Clunie ) and Lindsay (Thea Gill) prepared to have another baby, Ted (Scott Lowell) went into rehab, and Michael (Hal Sparks) left town with Hunter (Harris Allan) when the boy?’s mother came to take him away from Ben (Robert Gant) and Michael. In the first episode of season four, Brian must give up the lavish lifestyle to which he?’s grown accustomed; Michael and Hunter return to Pittsburgh for the custody hearing; and Emmett (Peter Paige) visits Ted in rehab. Over the course of this season, Ted struggles with life outside of rehab, Brian starts a new ad agency, Michael and Justin (Randy Harrison) receive an offer to turn their comic book into a live-action feature film, and Debbie (Sharon Gless) gets used to living alone when Vic (Jack Wetherall) moves out.

70Posted by: garreth on April 1, 2004 12:05 PM

oh my god?.i just saw the promo vid,seems like brian is serious with justin dis time?but towards the end when justin had on his crew cut and look like a thug?.i din like that

71Posted by: Christo on April 2, 2004 02:44 PM

On Wednsday, March 31, I attended the premiere party for QAF in New York at the Gramercy Park Hotel. All the cast, except Hal Sparks and the actor who plays Hunter were in attendance. It was a really nice party, and the cast was really enthusiatic about the upcoming season. We got to see sneak previews of upcoming episodes. It is going to be a really juicy season. I look forward to seeing more.


72Posted by: Riley on April 3, 2004 05:57 AM

First of all its good to know that so many ppl out there love queer as folk as much as i do!!! its helped me understand theres nothing wrong with me being gay also gale and randy oh baby i could watch them go at it all night long :)

73Posted by: Drea on April 3, 2004 10:03 PM

> All of these bloody ?what song is this? posts could be solved at this site:




74Posted by: R on April 5, 2004 03:03 PM

Anybody know anything about Queer as folk the musical?

75Posted by: blackambrosia on April 5, 2004 06:12 PM

i love qaf and can?t wait for the next season thanx for all th great info i?ve been watching for forever.

76Posted by: GayCanadianXpartBoy on April 6, 2004 07:49 PM

I have been an extra on Q&F as many of my friends are and I love the show but do not like the way they treat there extras, in fact they are haveing a hard time finding a casting compny to take on the job?.Most gay boys Here in Toronto where it is filmed would tell ya been there done that and not again thank you?. I was on Hmm not going to dig through the files but the one I was on I was there for 14 hours and got paid 7 something an hour now that?s bad if you ask me?..But hey We love our Q&F any way all be it that most Gay boys where its filmed will watch it but they wouldn?t be in it!

77Posted by: hmm on April 9, 2004 01:31 AM

i want the ?you bring me heaven? time after time song? as well but it?s not on the princess of babylon site?

78Posted by: jmeb on April 10, 2004 01:08 PM

Right you are, ?hmm.? Assuming that Drea knew the bloody song was on there, I took Drea?s bloody advice, and it bloody well wasn?t there.

So, I too, ask (again)?does anyone recognize the song/artist?

79Posted by: jo on April 12, 2004 06:10 AM

Hay all You think you have it bad, well im from the uk and the gits over here showed season 1 of queer as folk and then decided to chance to a net work that wont show it anymore. Thank god for kaaza other wise id have a brakedown because of brian withdrawel (i love him). Anyway i came across queer as folk about 2 years ago when i was flicking channels and my first reaction was, my my this show has some eye candy, who was to know the show is also very funny and moving. Im rooting for brian and justin all the way baby. P.S i wish Emmet was my best friend.

80Posted by: Emmetrules on April 14, 2004 06:42 AM

So this is being broadcast this Sunday is that right?.SBS here in oz is just finishing up seies 3 (1 Episode to go)so I hope it just rolls onto series 4

81Posted by: jo on April 14, 2004 09:36 AM

Hay all When i first saw Queer as folk i did what any obsessed girl would do, i gathered my friends around so i could show them all the best show ever and naturaly they all loved it. End of story you would think but noooooo, my friends perents all caught them watching it and they have all been told they cant watch it any more (sad i know)my best friends perents even went as far as to say and i quote ?You are not to watch that show i dont want you to get any ideas? Why in gods name? do people think that all it takes is a tv show and you will suddenly think i know ill try being gay this week it looks like fun. I mean come on i saw dumbo when i was five and never got the earge to be an elephant. My parents on the other hand love the show and my mum has got a thing for Ben. I have to say that i was a straght girl before i saw the show and im still a straght girl, come on people the show is amazing but it dont have THAT much power.

82Posted by: QAFAN on April 14, 2004 04:07 PM

For all you fans looking for the ?Thank you baby? song, by, apparently a band called King Force, this is for you. The woman singing this in the background is the same woman who sings ?Everybody Dance Now? in C+C Music Factory. Her name is Loleatta Holloway. King Force samples thank you baby, from the songs ?Love Sensation?, and ?Ride on Time? by Black Box. I am searching through every damn song by them. I am thinking that maybe it?s mixed by someone else.

83Posted by: milla on April 17, 2004 03:52 PM

This is especially for Rui, the hot Brazilian guy, LOL! Hey, I?m Brazilian too, only a girl : ) It seems they moved the show from Cinemax to HBOPlus - which I don?t have, BTW sniff If we?re lucky here, we might get to see S4 around July. Anyways, go to www.queerasfolk-brasil.com and check the news there.

xoxo, milla

p.s.: also want to know about that promo song nobody seems to know anything about. Any news?

84Posted by: Rick S. on April 17, 2004 08:35 PM

It?s been a little obsession with me too?.

Yes, I am going crazy trying to find that song on the promos. I?ve seen the commercials while watching VH1?s special..

(??heaven, time after time??) It sounded like Prince, but that?s just a guess?anyone have anything substantial?

In other words, who knows the song/artist/band?!?

85Posted by: Ricky H. on April 17, 2004 10:41 PM

hey, does anyone know what channel it is? I?ve seen commercials on VH1, but it doesn?t tell what channel it?s gonna be on! and the new season?s startin tomorrow so,? if anyone could please help me out here!! thanks!

86Posted by: Teilah on April 19, 2004 02:34 AM

I am a huge fan of Queer As Folk. I live in Australia and desperately want to buy the seasons on DVD. Does anyone know if I buy I region 1 DVD, what does that mean? Will it still be viewable on my DVD player?? Any comments or information is greatly appreciated.

[email protected]

87Posted by: jo on April 19, 2004 11:14 AM

this is for Teilah What you need to do is have a look at your information on your dvd player and see if it is either multi reigen or a reigen 1 dvd player, if it is not then im afraid that it will not play reigen 1 dvds which is all queer as folk usa dvds come as (trust me im having the same problom). Reigen 1 dvds are the kind of format that films from the u.s. come in. Also note that if you need to have a reigen 1 dvd your t.v will also need to be compatable with reigen one. its a pain i know, anyway i hope that you lot in the u.s know how lucky you are :o) we poor slobs are suffering over here. Hope this is useful. (Uk girl)

88Posted by: Em on April 26, 2004 05:37 PM

Hey ya Folks? I saw that many people are asking about the song of the 2nd. promo the one thath saysthank you baby? and I found it? the name of the song isRIDE ON TIMEby Black box.. but is the remix?Hope that this information works?. c ya?

ps. I love Randy and Peter. ;)

89Posted by: slavetopassion on April 29, 2004 12:31 AM

In the second episode, if anyone knows what the song is that Emmitt dances to in Babylon at the end of the episode, please email me and let me know. Thank you, Jase [email protected]

90Posted by: Cory on April 30, 2004 04:03 PM

i want the ?‘you bring me heaven?… time after time song?’ as well but it?’s not on the princess of babylon site?…

91Posted by: Em on May 3, 2004 06:13 PM

Hey !!! slavetopassion that song is called ?Mundian to bach ke? by Panjabi Mc?.

c ya?.

PS. I love Randy and Peter?..

92Posted by: Howard Berry on May 16, 2004 09:54 PM

You guys in Australia, France etc. think you?re behind? The BBC (yes, really) started showing Season 1 about two years ago, and stopped half way through. Nothing has been shown since then. Disgraceful! Fortunately, I have been able to buy all three season box sets from Play.com, and I am currently downloading series 4 episodes as they arrive (although these will be replaced when the S4 box set is released).

Show the show in the UK someone!! After all, we created the original.

93Posted by: Cooper on May 16, 2004 11:35 PM

Did anyone here that in season 4 Justin will die??? and what is that song called in the s4 promo?


94Posted by: taylor on May 18, 2004 01:15 AM

i have a question. atfer the 4th episode they showed the preview for the 5th ep, what is the song they play on that. ?the rain comes down and nothing lasts forever.? does anyone know tittle/artist?

95Posted by: JO on May 19, 2004 01:12 PM

Hay everyone Does anyone know the song that it played in Brians car as he drives Justin to school when he gets back from ibiza in episode 8 of season 4? Any help would be gladley received.

96Posted by: Laurie_xox on June 2, 2004 07:09 PM

hey guys! i luv QAF! This show rules! just wanna say dat if any of u know any info about the sound track and about episode guides & spoilers pls post dem up :) Can?t wait to c what will happen wit bryan and justin?. i just hope they stay together and bryan would just say dat he luvs justin?by the way.. y must bryan have cancer :(!? damn i luv this show!!! ciao everyone Laurie xox (P.s. i myself am not gay, i have lots a friends though)

97Posted by: Riley on June 6, 2004 09:13 AM

Howdy peoples I love this show so much!!! I came out to my parents recently and they said ive been watching to much queer as folk which is not true as i can never get enough queer as folk!!! If i couldnt download season 4 i dont think i could wait until next year when Australia gets seasson four.

Go Brian and Justin hubba hubba!!!!

98Posted by: Travis on June 7, 2004 02:19 PM

Like Taylor asked earlier. the sone in the promo after epi. #5 on season 4 ?the rain comes down, and nothing lasts forever? does ANYone know what song this is, it has been driving me crazy trying to find it!

99Posted by: sea138 on June 13, 2004 09:26 AM

Anyone know how many episodes will be in series 4?

100Posted by: Rick on June 15, 2004 01:15 AM

sea138 - Like Seasons 2 and 3, Showtime ordered only 14 episodes. Next year?s fifth season will likely continue this trend. I?ve read that a factor is financial cost.

101Posted by: Brian Perez on June 18, 2004 11:09 PM

Heya guys! I just wanted to know if that rumor of Justin dies in the end of season 4, is true? If it is. How? PLEASE I WANNA KNOW!

102Posted by: Brian Perez on June 19, 2004 01:09 PM

Hi, me again! What is the song called in the 3rd promo called? I nkow it goes something like this ??You Bring Me Heaven?Time After Time, Take my Breath away?? Please I LOVE that song! I want to know whats it called! HELP!!

103Posted by: Nicole on June 21, 2004 08:28 PM

for everyone looking for songs from the show a great site to look on would be www.princessofbabylon.com it has most of the songs from the past three seasons and is up to epi 10 in season four. hope this helps some of you guys out!

104Posted by: Sunfire2 on June 25, 2004 12:48 AM

Hi all, I?ve been a QAF fan since the series started running on Showtime and haven?t missed one episode. If anyone would like to see some clips of the show from season 1 through 4, you can find them here?


105Posted by: Brian perez on June 26, 2004 12:12 PM

Heya guys! I just wanted to know if that rumor of Justin dies in the end of season 4, is true? If it is. How? PLEASE I WANNA KNOW!

106Posted by: Brian Perez on June 26, 2004 12:14 PM

Hi, me again! What is the song called in the 3rd promo called? I nkow it goes something like this ?“?…You Bring Me Heaven?…Time After Time, Take my Breath away?…?” Please I LOVE that song! I want to know whats it called! HELP!!

107Posted by: Eric on June 29, 2004 03:46 AM

Im Chinese,in Beijing China,i love the QAF very much,neally every my friend love it very much,i really wai to see the season 4 and 5,6?. i love micky and his lovely mama.

108Posted by: eric on June 29, 2004 03:53 AM

at the begining i dont like Emmet,he is too CC,but later i found he is really lovely,without him,the show will be very big diffrent,he always very gayo,cloths,poses,personality?? actruly i hope Brian and Micky can have sex,the love each ,kiss offen , but never do that,really pity.Hope to see the hot sex betwwen them!!!

I can?t wait !!! come on!!!

109Posted by: akrium on July 15, 2004 12:46 PM

does anyone know the song that plays for the season 4 promo as they are walking down the stairs, through a club or something, if anyone knows the song could you post it on here that would be great! thanx.

110Posted by: FaeryTom on July 17, 2004 06:29 PM

I also fell in love with the song in promo after episode 5 (?and nothing lasts forever?). Please, if someone knows the song, tell us who is the artist and the title of the song! Thanks! :)

111Posted by: Dave on July 18, 2004 10:24 PM

Does anyone know when season 4 comes out on DVD?

112Posted by: Bobby on August 19, 2004 05:51 AM

I think that the show rocks i feel that a bit more anatomy must be seen but i strongly earge non viewers to watch it. You don?t have to be gay to watch Queer As Folk. It is just like you are not gay but yet watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Love the show i think more of threesomes and more things like that

But really love the show and it is just great!

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