Flynn, Connie

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Subjects / Romance / Authors, A-Z / ( F ) / Flynn, Connie

1. The Fire Opal The Fire Opal
from Onyx Books

Customer Review:
Finding a book that I am unable to put down is a real treat. Fire Opal is just this type of book. The author offers well develped characters, a great plot, and lots of suspense. Fire Opal takes you into the world of the Cajuns living in the LA. swamps and a world that includes witchcraft, vodoo, and... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. Shadow on the Moon Shadow on the Moon
from Topaz

Customer Review:
I've read tons of romance books and lately I find myself becoming bored with them and skimming pages even with books that I like. This was the first book in a long time that I read straight through to the very last sentence. Having read all the vampire romance books out there I thought I'd try a... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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3. Shadow of the Wolf (Topaz Romance) Shadow of the Wolf (Topaz Romance)
from Topaz

Customer Review:
How far the mighty have fallen. Lily Angelica DeLaVega was the werewolf queen until her powers were stolen. Now, she feels as if she is a shadow of herself, stalked by two different entities. The king of the lupine, Sebastian, has come to patiently wait, even years, to destroy his now mortal enemy.... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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4. The Dragon Hour: A Time-Travel Romance The Dragon Hour: A Time-Travel Romance
from Onyx Books

Customer Review:
I didn't care for it. I didn't connect with the characters. I thought it was like reading an episode of Beauty and the Beast from the TV show a few years ago. The world they (and all the other inhabitants) lived in and had to save.

Customer Rating:
4.1 / 5.0

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5. Duets 19 (Calling Mr. Right/The Wedding Dress) (Harlequin Duets, 19) Duets 19 (Calling Mr. Right/The Wedding Dress) (Harlequin Duets, 19)
from Harlequin

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6. Un Caso Perdido (A Hopeless Case) (Harlequin Deseo, No 241) Un Caso Perdido (A Hopeless Case) (Harlequin Deseo, No 241)
from Silhouette

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7. Only Couples Need Apply (Your Truly) Only Couples Need Apply (Your Truly)
from Silhouette

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8. 40 Tons Of Trouble (Women Who Dare) (Harlequin Super Romance, No 726) 40 Tons Of Trouble (Women Who Dare) (Harlequin Super Romance, No 726)
from Harlequin

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