Richard Lehrer

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Richard Lehrer

1. Longboard Fever - A Pure Surfing Experience Longboard Fever - A Pure Surfing Experience
from Dan-O Surfilms
Price: $25.00

Customer Review:
Great DVD. I really like being able to see some of the best surfers in the world ripping as well as great spots going off. I love that DVD gives us instant access to any section of a movie. I keep repeating the Kevin Connelly section. I can't believe how long he rides the nose. All his footwork is... more info

Customer Rating:
3.8 / 5.0

Click here for more information

2. Longboard Magic / Multiple Personalities Longboard Magic / Multiple Personalities
Price: $24.95

Customer Review:
I highly recommend Longboard Magic & Multiple Personalities. I surf all over and can honestly say these two movies really show how good California can be. The music is great to listen to as you watch the surfers rip!

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0

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