Jeong-hyang Lee

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Jeong-hyang Lee

1. The Way Home The Way Home
from Paramount Home Video
Price: $15.99

Customer Review:
This was a very tender and sweet South Korean film. Sang-Woo, a seven year old is sent by his mother, who is in search of work, to stay with his mute grandmother. Sang-Woo is a very selfish boy who is spoiled by the city life. At first, he is very disrespectful of his 75-year old grandmother. As... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0

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2. The Way Home The Way Home

Customer Review:
This was a very tender and sweet South Korean film. Sang-Woo, a seven year old is sent by his mother, who is in search of work, to stay with his mute grandmother. Sang-Woo is a very selfish boy who is spoiled by the city life. At first, he is very disrespectful of his 75-year old grandmother. As... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0

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