James D. Stern

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / James D. Stern

1. Michael Jordan to the Max (Large Format) Michael Jordan to the Max (Large Format)
from Twentieth Century Fox
Price: $9.99

Customer Review:
Michael Jordan, whether soaring through the air in highlight-reels or examining his life and achievements in more staid documentaries, is always worth watching. This film uses a little of each while chronicling his final season as a Bull. Though it is not nearly as exciting as when viewed on a... more info

Customer Rating:
3.8 / 5.0

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2. Its the Rage It's the Rage
from Fox Home Entertainme
Price: $9.98

Customer Review:
A great cast, but sadly not a great film. It tries to intertwine it's charectars ( a la MAGNOLIA), but hardly gets even close to that kind of genius. Some of the charectars were very well written (Jeff Daniels in particular), but some were off the wall ascrewball (Gary Sinise doing a Bill Gates... more info

Customer Rating:
3.3 / 5.0

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3. Its the Rage It's the Rage
from Columbia/Tristar Studios

Customer Review:
A great cast, but sadly not a great film. It tries to intertwine it's charectars ( a la MAGNOLIA), but hardly gets even close to that kind of genius. Some of the charectars were very well written (Jeff Daniels in particular), but some were off the wall ascrewball (Gary Sinise doing a Bill Gates... more info

Customer Rating:
3.3 / 5.0

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4. Michael Jordan to the Max Michael Jordan to the Max

Customer Review:
Michael Jordan, whether soaring through the air in highlight-reels or examining his life and achievements in more staid documentaries, is always worth watching. This film uses a little of each while chronicling his final season as a Bull. Though it is not nearly as exciting as when viewed on a... more info

Customer Rating:
3.8 / 5.0

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