Dong-bin Kim

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Dong-bin Kim

1. Tae Guk Gi:Brotherhood of War Tae Guk Gi:Brotherhood of War
from Columbia Tristar Hom
Price: $21.72

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2. Ring Virus Ring Virus
from Tai Seng Entertainme
Price: $13.46

Customer Review:
I recommend this movie without having actually seen it. I had only heard a brief mention that the American "Ring" was a remake of a hugley popular Japanese horror. Anyway, I saw the remake on a rainy afternoon in a huge theater. I was almost completely by myself, and it really got to me. I had a... more info

Customer Rating:
4.5 / 5.0

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3. Tae Guk Gi - The Brotherhood of War/Shiri Tae Guk Gi - The Brotherhood of War/Shiri
from Columbia Tristar Hom
Price: $29.96

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4. Ring Virus Ring Virus

Customer Review:
I recommend this movie without having actually seen it. I had only heard a brief mention that the American "Ring" was a remake of a hugley popular Japanese horror. Anyway, I saw the remake on a rainy afternoon in a huge theater. I was almost completely by myself, and it really got to me. I had a... more info

Customer Rating:
4.5 / 5.0

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