Don Kempf

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Don Kempf

1. Michael Jordan to the Max (Large Format) Michael Jordan to the Max (Large Format)
from Twentieth Century Fox
Price: $9.99

Customer Review:
Michael Jordan, whether soaring through the air in highlight-reels or examining his life and achievements in more staid documentaries, is always worth watching. This film uses a little of each while chronicling his final season as a Bull. Though it is not nearly as exciting as when viewed on a... more info

Customer Rating:
3.8 / 5.0

Click here for more information

2. Michael Jordan to the Max Michael Jordan to the Max

Customer Review:
Michael Jordan, whether soaring through the air in highlight-reels or examining his life and achievements in more staid documentaries, is always worth watching. This film uses a little of each while chronicling his final season as a Bull. Though it is not nearly as exciting as when viewed on a... more info

Customer Rating:
3.8 / 5.0

Click here for more information

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