Dan Wozniak

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Dan Wozniak

1. Triumph of the Nerds Triumph of the Nerds
Price: $49.95

Customer Review:
Call it the "E! True Hollywood Story" of the PC industry. Cringely takes a thorough (and thoroughly funny) look at the birth of the PC and the dogged determinism and wild coincidences that ushered in a new technological era. This is Big Business, Big Egos, and VERY Big Money, and the video is as... more info

Customer Rating:
4.9 / 5.0

Click here for more information

2. Siestas Olas - A Surfing Journey Through Mexico Siestas & Olas - A Surfing Journey Through Mexico
from Dan-O Surfilms
Price: $24.95

Customer Review:
I had the joy of teaching Tom Wegener (star of the surf movie) back in the 1980s............ He is a wonderful surfer and one of the nicest people I have ever met.

I have never met anyone more stoked with surfing.

The movie is excellent and captures huge hurricane surf.

This film is much... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0

Click here for more information

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