Customer Review:
I really liked this book and I enjoyed reading it. Obviously this book is not a "How to" book since the title says it's about history and tradition. It's hard to go back in time and see the past in focus without good documentation on the Chinese part due to secrecy. Nonetheless this book was very... more info
Customer Review:
Tobin's book has been around for a number of years now. Nevertheless, it continues to set the standard in the creation of video ethnography. Graduate students across the nation use this book for its brilliant methodology and for his insightful readings of culture.
Customer Review:
The translations in this book range from superb to awful. Most, by the editors, are simply mediocre. There are way too many translators (about 50) and minor poets included. Further, the editors make the puzzling decision to leave some poems out because they have already been translated many times.... more info
Customer Review:
This book was published not only as a catalogue for the great exhibition "Splendors of Imperial China", also as a collection of excellent articles by leading scholars in the field of Chinese art and cultural history. Some of the most precious items selected for the exhibition eventually were not... more info
Customer Review:
This could've been a most interesting subjects. Besides, I don't think many people have written on this amusing topic. Unfortunately, the authors of this book has succeeded to make it a boring tome that can have only limited appeal to both the casual readers and academics.