Customer Review:
I ordered this thinking that the book would contain more photographs like the one on the cover, strong, sensual images of young men/boys making the transition from childhood to adulthood, and all that that entails. There were some great images in the book, the 15 yo matador and his family, the boy... more info
Customer Review:
Will Mcbride is as different as a man -saying he was a "bad father"- as one can contrast with his magnetic images.Never spending much time with his sons or his wife, yet creating nude portraits of them and others that transfix your imagination. Images one would swear were taken by a man doting on... more info
Customer Review:
I have been a book collector for most of my life. If you asked me what book most deserves the title, One-Of-a-Kind, I'd answer with out hesitation SHOW ME! It's like no other book ever published before and in all likelihood no other book that ever will be published in the future. I'm absolutely... more info