Will Klein

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Will Klein

1. Five-Star Basketball Drills Five-Star Basketball Drills
from McGraw-Hill
Price: $11.53

Customer Review:
This book and Coaching Basketball by Jerry Krause are the two best coaches books out there. 5-star has drills that we use daily in our practices and coaching basketball as some great plays and ideas regarding the game. Get both these books ASAP!

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. Cardiology (Cardiology (Mosby)) Cardiology (Cardiology (Mosby))
from C.V. Mosby
Price: $159.00

Customer Review:
This new Cardiology Textbook has an equal and even some times, better information about contemporaneous cardiovascular medicine than any of the other major Cardiology textbooks(Topol,Hurst,Braunwald,etc). It is easy to read with superb illustrations and relevant clinical information.

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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