T. Illion

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / T. Illion

1. In Secret Tibet (Mystic Traveler Series) In Secret Tibet (Mystic Traveler Series)
from Adventures Unlimited Press
Price: $15.95

Customer Review:
To begin, its obvious Mr. Illion never went to Tibet. To begin, there are *no* descriptions of specific places in Tibet. In fact, I think actual 'named' locations in Tibet are mentioned once or twice at most.

Most of the descriptions of 'Tibet' are overly generic, and could probably have been... more info

Customer Rating:
2.4 / 5.0

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2. Darkness over Tibet (Mystic Traveller Series) Darkness over Tibet (Mystic Traveller Series)
from Adventures Unlimited Press
Price: $10.85

Customer Review:
I highly recommend this book to any seeker of truth. Not because I necessarily think that Illion actually traveled to Tibet and had the experiences he claims there, but because the ideas he is presenting go a long way toward explaining the Matrix Reality in which we live. It is also useful to... more info

Customer Rating:
2.5 / 5.0

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3. Advanced Litigation Support Document Imaging (Computer/Law Series, 15) Advanced Litigation Support & Document Imaging (Computer/Law Series, 15)
from Kluwer Law Intl

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