Customer Review:
Back in 1993, Huntington's seminal article in Foreign Affairs "The Clash of Civilizations" was prescient about the violent clash between Islam and the West. It better explained the causes of 9/11 than most books written after 9/11!
Now, Huntington's focus has turned inward to the changing... more info
Customer Review:
With the end of the Cold War, some writers wondered if it was "the end of history." However, Samuel P. Huntington postulates we are simply entering a new era of history in which "civilizations" (which are a function of religion, culture and ethnic roots) will be more important than political or... more info
Customer Review:
Culture Matters is a book which has many, many different essays from varying authors and scholars who discuss the value systems of countries around the world. The book discusses the different value systems engrained in nations around the world, and what common values are shared by the nations that... more info
Customer Review:
I read this book while I was in the university, and it still has things to say ten years later. I am an Asian, so I feel qualified to say that Huntington's ideas were not racist. If anything, he saw things very clearly. He has a good grasp of how politics work in non-western societies. He also... more info
Customer Review:
Everything is bad news if it comes with a deadline that isn't met. This book, THE SOLDIER AND THE STATE: THE THEORY AND POLITICS OF CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS by Samuel P. Huntington, a young Harvard professor in 1957, when the book first appeared, attempted to establish assumptions that would allow... more info
Customer Review:
While not as heavily theoretical as some of Huntington's other works, this book is laden with apercus about why and how countries develop democracies, especially in the most recent wave (just to clarify, the first wave started in the early 1800's, the second occurred after World War II, and the... more info
Customer Review:
Good overview of the theories and impact of globalization. I also recommend Haley's "Multinational corporations in political environments: Ethics, values and strategies" to understand the limits of the economic powers shaping our society.
Customer Review:
In this book, Samuel Huntington, who, whether one likes him or hates him has been one of the most commented upon political scientists of the last generation takes on American politics: their realities versus their illusions, promise versus practicalities. And on the whole, he is successful at... more info