Robert L. Kelly

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Robert L. Kelly

1. Firefighters Firefighters
from Hugh Lauter Levin Associates
Price: $47.25

Customer Review:
A great book about a great calling by a group of great authors and photographers. You're sure to enjoy it for years.

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. The Foraging Spectrum: Diversity in Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways The Foraging Spectrum: Diversity in Hunter-Gatherer Lifeways
from Smithsonian Books
Price: $26.95

Customer Review:
are examined very succinctly in this text. Beginning students of hunting and foraging behaviors will realize that the answer to the question "what do we eat?" is not an arbitrary cultural choice, but is instead both measurable and predictable. According to The Foraging Spectrum, such predictions are... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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3. Caring Competent Caregivers Caring & Competent Caregivers
from University of Georgia Press
Price: $18.00

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4. Prehistory of the Carson Desert and Stillwater Mountains: Environment, Mobility, and Subsistence in a Great Basin Wetland (University of Utah Anthropological Papers, No. 123) Prehistory of the Carson Desert and Stillwater Mountains: Environment, Mobility, and Subsistence in a Great Basin Wetland (University of Utah Anthropological Papers, No. 123)
from University of Utah Press
Price: $45.00

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5. Whats in a Box? (Rookie Readers) What's in a Box? (Rookie Readers)
from Children's Press (CT)
Price: $19.50

Customer Review:
The little boy wanted to know what was in every box he found. He had a little dog. Sand was the best thing he found. And at the end he said to his dog, "Kids have the most cardboard boxes." I believe that my cousin Sean would like this book, as well as, any kid who likes to make clubhouses.

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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6. Pharmacologic Treatment of Schizophrenia, Second Edition Pharmacologic Treatment of Schizophrenia, Second Edition
from Professional Communications
Price: $18.66

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7. Archaeology Archaeology
from Wadsworth Publishing
Price: $85.95

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8. Basic Histology: A Lange Medical Book Basic Histology: A Lange Medical Book
from Pearson Professional Education

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9. An examination of amateur collections from the Carson Sink, Nevada (Contributions to the study of cultural resources technical report) An examination of amateur collections from the Carson Sink, Nevada (Contributions to the study of cultural resources technical report)
from Bureau of Land Management

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10. Exploring Mathematics Exploring Mathematics
from Scott Foresman & Co
Price: $71.00

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11. Katmandou: La Cite Aux Confins Du Monde (Lame Des Peuples) Katmandou: La Cite Aux Confins Du Monde (L'ame Des Peuples)
from La Bibliotheque des Arts (FR)

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12. Exploring Mathematics Exploring Mathematics
from Scott Foresman & Co
Price: $71.00

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13. Hunter-gatherer mobility and sedentism: A Great Basin study Hunter-gatherer mobility and sedentism: A Great Basin study
from University Microfilms International

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14. Intellectual property: Copyrights and trademarks (Wests legal forms) Intellectual property: Copyrights and trademarks (West's legal forms)
from West Group

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15. Another Fine Myth Another Fine Myth
from Schiffer Publishing

Customer Review:
Well, what can I say? This was a very funny book. A little short, a bit light, but good.
Where else do you get to meet Imps, from Imper? Deveels, (not devils) from Deva? Pervects (not Perverts if you want to keep all of your limbs and organs in their proper location, as in attached to your body... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0

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