Customer Review:
Very few surgical fields demand a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the entire human body. Plastics and reconstructive surgery is right up there when it comes to that. A successful Plastic surgeon incorporates knowledge of Gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, tissue physiology, physiology of... more info
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Mr. Smith has interpreted one of the most difficult books of the Bible because it was written in metaphors and types in order that the true meaning would not be understood until the last days when we most needed this information. Because he is a brilliant man who took the time to learn Hebrew and... more info
Customer Review:
I chose this book for my final project in geology class because I was interested in Yellowstone National parks though I have never been to, and this book was very good not only to read but also to review my studying in the class. Yellowstone and Grand Teton ground systems such as ground movements... more info
Customer Review:
Finally, an unbiased look at the Trial of the Century. The authors managed to keep from using the race card, innuendos, and Hollywood hype to tell just the facts. This book gives the reader a honest look into that fateful night.
Customer Review:
This book does give an overview of derivatives, and other resources, such as Wilmott do an excellent job. The section on credit derivatives is light, but that may be addressed in the next edition. There is more to this market than credit default swaps.
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We live in a rush-rush world filled with a myriad of activities that demand our time and challenge our priorities. More and more people are talking about balance, life-work balance. A theologian and a corporate executive (a nice balance in itself) got together and wrote a little book that may bring... more info
Customer Review:
What struck me is that this book analyzes natural law within a legal context: many of the contributing authors are attorneys as well as philosopher. This is particularly helpful to our nation today, as I think more citizens will have to reassess the role of the judiciary these days.
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In the broken wasteland of Acomar, a land teeming with starvation and death, the rat Itheem live. Their bones litter the waste, fallen in the endless battles over territory and food. In terror of the Itheem, the canine Uruth built the great wall to keep them imprisoned in Acomar. But with the rising... more info
Customer Review:
Robert Cox has done a brillant job of taking Political Economy to the next level in this collection of essays. Cox and Sinclair have culled together many of Cox's essays previously published in unaccessible journals. Each essay is prefixed by short bio stetch which very much sets the mood for what... more info