Rick Whitaker

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Rick Whitaker

1. Assuming the Position: A Memoir of Hustling Assuming the Position: A Memoir of Hustling
from Four Walls Eight Windows
Price: $12.60

Customer Review:
Having been in many of the situations that Rick Whitaker has been in, I can honestly say that I'm disappointed. This memoir is so shallow after all that is said and done. The person that told him to make it light, was not doing him a favor. I'm sure he has more talent! The only interesting character... more info

Customer Rating:
3.5 / 5.0

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2. Tears in the Rain: Understanding the Vietnam Experience Tears in the Rain: Understanding the Vietnam Experience
from Self
Price: $8.55

Customer Review:
Tears in the Rain is one of those rare books, which, even though born out of the ashes and blood of the Vietnam War - actually made me laugh out loud. Whitaker's "real talk" captures the human, horrible, and humorous sides of hell, bringing the war ordeal down to the most personal level of feelings,... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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3. The First Time I Met Frank OHara: Reading Gay American Writers The First Time I Met Frank O'Hara: Reading Gay American Writers
from Four Walls Eight Windows
Price: $13.60

Customer Review:
In 1990 some friends and I formed a book group to read books by and or about gay people. The guys often kid me about being the facilitator, steering committee and publicity chairman (I piece together a monthly newsletter). Our goal has been to discover our gay roots - our hidden history. Throughout... more info

Customer Rating:
4.5 / 5.0

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