Richard Stodart

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Richard Stodart

1. Kama Sutra of Sexual Positions: The Tantric Art of Love Kama Sutra of Sexual Positions: The Tantric Art of Love
from Jeremy P. Tarcher
Price: $11.53

Customer Review:
Celebrating sex as a way to create harmony and joy, Kenneth Ray Stubbs' Kama Sutra of Sexual Positions is a beautifully designed, artistic manual interspersed with historical and cultural perspectives. The book's colorful images are complemented by poetry, spiritual insights and philosophical... more info

Customer Rating:
3.0 / 5.0

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2. The Essential Tantra: A Modern Guide to Sacred Sexuality The Essential Tantra: A Modern Guide to Sacred Sexuality
from Jeremy P. Tarcher
Price: $14.93

Customer Review:
Anybody who knows what Tantra is essentially about or teaches will know that this book is not about practising Tantra but enjoying sex in tantric positions.

If you are new to Tantra, you will be misled by this book. But if you aim is just to try out something new and enjoy sex, this book is okay.

Customer Rating:
3.5 / 5.0

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3. The Tao of Sex The Tao of Sex
from Integral Publishing

Customer Review:
This book, though technical and flowery was a joy to read. It brought new creativity and vigor to my sexual life. A MUST for sexual dullards.

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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4. Kiss of Desire: A Guide to Oral Sex for Men and Women Kiss of Desire: A Guide to Oral Sex for Men and Women
from Jeremy P. Tarcher
Price: $7.18

Customer Review:
All the things the author talks about have been talked about in GOBS of other books and isn't an inciteful book for it's time. Wasn't worth the money.

Customer Rating:
2.8 / 5.0

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5. Sensual Ceremony: A Contemporary Tantric Guide to Sexual Intimacy (Sensual Ceremony) Sensual Ceremony: A Contemporary Tantric Guide to Sexual Intimacy (Sensual Ceremony)
from Secret Garden Pub

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