Peter Twist

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Peter Twist

1. Strength Ball Training Strength Ball Training
from Human Kinetics Publishers
Price: $12.56

Customer Review:
If your into ball training. Strength ball training is the only book you will need. This has every possible excercise you can do with a strength ball. Plus some! Highly recomended for the ball trainers. Plus you can do it at home,for you television buffs,even in front of your T.V.

Customer Rating:
4.5 / 5.0

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2. Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey Complete Conditioning for Ice Hockey
from Human Kinetics Publishers
Price: $12.89

Customer Review:
Peter Twist covers all aspects of conditioning to play hockey regardless of the level of play. He dedicates a significant amount of text to youth hockey players. This book is an essential read for youth hockey coaches, although it can be best applied to high school and above. Athletes that can adopt... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0

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