Nancy Berliner

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Nancy Berliner

1. Yin Yu Tang: The Architecture and Daily Life of a Chinese House Yin Yu Tang: The Architecture and Daily Life of a Chinese House
from Tuttle Publishing
Price: $23.77

Customer Review:
The Yin Yu Tang House has become a public example of an ancient Chinese home as it resides as a permanent exhibit at the Salem, MA Essex Museum. Yin Yu Tang tells of the story behind the house and its creation, examining both Chinese history and architectural traditions in the process of exploring... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. Beyond the Screen Beyond the Screen
from MFA Publications
Price: $19.80

Customer Review:
BEYOND THE SCREEN is an apt title; it describes this book both literally and metaphorically. Nancy Berliner and fourcontributing writers dissect both the life and furniture of sixtheen and seventeenth China in a work that combines art, craft and social history. My husband, an amateur woodworker, was... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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3. Friends of the House: Furniture from Chinas Towns Villages (Peabody Essex Museum Collections) Friends of the House: Furniture from China's Towns & Villages (Peabody Essex Museum Collections)
from Peabody Essex Museum

Customer Review:
Excellent as far as it goes, this 100-odd page book is actually a reprint of an exhibition catalogue rather than a literary or reference work in its own right. The text is informative but - apart from a couple of introductory essays - relates only to the specific pieces referred to in the catalogue... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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4. Treasure Island Treasure Island
from Oxford University Press

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5. Chinese Folk Art: The Small Skills of Carving Insects Chinese Folk Art: The Small Skills of Carving Insects
from New York Graphic Society

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6. Cincinnati Days in History: A Bicentennial Almanac Cincinnati Days in History: A Bicentennial Almanac
from Cincinnati Post

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7. Uptake and metabolism of free cobalamin by cultured human fibroblasts Uptake and metabolism of free cobalamin by cultured human fibroblasts
from s.n.]

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8. A legacy in kind: Remembering Nat and Kathleen Smyth A legacy in kind: Remembering Nat and Kathleen Smyth
from N.S. Berliner

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