Customer Review:
This edition of "The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, & Biologicals" shows remarkable improvement over its predecessor.
Boasting of diverse groups of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, it is a success in its own right. There are just plenty to be explored! The book brims with... more info
Customer Review:
A publishing event of the most signifigance for 1997. The long establisher bible for medical doctors and almost everyone in the field of medicine, is for the first time written specifically for the non-medical reader. Over 1500 pages covering diseases, causes, treatments, drugs etc. this is the... more info
Customer Review:
I am a member of the large, but mostly silent, majority who simply could not understand why so many people went berserk following Diana's death. I was never interested in Diana's travails while she was alive, but the mass hysteria in the wake of her death prompted me to try to understand this... more info
Customer Review:
This resource offers an easy to locate method of researching problems in geriatrics. This field is a specialty and these patients are special. Other manuals information refer to the general adult patients, of which the geriatric patient does not always fit. For example when I looked up "weight loss"... more info