Customer Review:
What an amazing source of information!! It is a definate must have for new parents. This detailed, yet easy to understand book offers specific chapters by age including newborns. It give prevenative information on health & safety including tooth care, controlling stress and travelng abroad. Of... more info
Customer Review:
The book was great. It contains all the important facts about pregnancy, not shrouded by opinion. It just contains facts that you can use to your advantage to achieve a healthy and sucessful pregnancy. The editing is supreme. I learned about the book through the news, when I saw the debbonaire... more info
Customer Review:
I have very high expectations for a book that calls itself "complete" right in the title. In addition, on the front of the jacket, it says, "This unique and authoritative guide covers all aspects of pregnancy & baby care through age one . . . " So, I have a higher standard for this book than for... more info
Customer Review:
Unfortunately, there is a dearth of "cardiology-review books", especially when it comes to ABIM Cardiology Boards preparation. There is NOT a single review book written keeping in mind that it has be used ONLY for ABIM cardiology boards. This book at least tries to achieve this goal, but does a... more info
Customer Review:
The subjects are covered in a direct, goal oriented manner. This book will tell you the precise facts and points needed to pass your ABIM exam. Best of all, is the way letters are printed, good size, good space, it won't tire you when you read it.
It is not a textbook, but a rapid resource of... more info
Customer Review:
I love Mayo Clinic. To me, they are some of the best in the world in giving wanted information in an easy-to-read and enjoyable style and format. HEALTHY WEIGHT is divided into three parts: Getting Motivated, How to Lose Weight and When You Need More Help. At the beginning of each chapter there are... more info
Customer Review:
I've TENS of books on the subject (my mother was diagnosed) and this single book has been more helpful than the whole lot combined. I'm on the website now buying copies for all the members of my family and was surprised that no one else had reviewed this book. It has been indescribably informative,... more info
Customer Review:
As an RN I have referred many patients to this as well as other books published by the Mayo Clinic. The material is well written, understandable and offers valuable infomation on many topics surrounding high blood pressure, diet, medications, exercise, as well as alternative therapies.
Customer Review:
I use this book when I need a quick side dish or a simple entree. But the most of the recipes are pretty boring and bland. My other "healthy cooking" books make wholesome food delicious by using creative seasonings. The Mayo Clinic puts the grated zest of a citrus fruit in every other recipe and... more info
Customer Review:
Having recently assisted at the birth of my son and well informed in the most up-to-date research into the anatomy of the penis and the history and practice of circumcision in the U.S., I read with some surprise and no little chagrin the tendentious and rather uninformed presentation on the subject... more info
Customer Review:
When I first got this book, my blood sugar had leveled-out at about 300. I just couldn't lower my blood sugar, no matter how well I ate or how much I exercised. All my doctor could or would do was change my medication and order more tests for me. I didn't have medical insurance and I couldn't afford... more info