Matilde Olivella De Castells

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Matilde Olivella De Castells

1. Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language with CD-ROM (3rd Edition) Mosaicos: Spanish as a World Language with CD-ROM (3rd Edition)
from Prentice Hall
Price: $96.00

Customer Review:
Worst book I have ever used to learn a language. Who ever wrote the book was into a lot more than teaching. You need to use this disc or that disc or use the internet. The Prenhall is not very user friendly either. The book is very confusing.

Customer Rating:
2.8 / 5.0

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2. Mosaicos: Spanish As a World Lanaguage Mosaicos: Spanish As a World Lanaguage
from Prentice Hall
Price: $145.67

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3. Ya comprendo!: A communicative course in Spanish Ya comprendo!: A communicative course in Spanish
from Macmillan

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4. Mosiacos: Spanish As a World Language Mosiacos: Spanish As a World Language
from Prentice Hall
Price: $141.47

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5. La lengua espanola: Gramatica y cultura La lengua espa?ola: Gram?tica y cultura
from Scribner

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6. Mundo hispano: Lengua y cultura Mundo hispano: Lengua y cultura
from J. Wiley

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7. Ya Comprendo ! Ya Comprendo !
from Prentice Hall

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