Martha Avery

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Martha Avery

1. Women of Mongolia Women of Mongolia
from Asian Art & Archaeology
Price: $13.57

Customer Review:
I enjoy books like this one. Probably it's a bad case of nosiness, but I like to find out about other peoples' lives. When such stories are combined with attractive black and white photos, well, that's all the better. Martha Avery conducted interviews with a wide variety of Mongolian women, from... more info

Customer Rating:
4.4 / 5.0

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2. Half of Man Is Woman Half of Man Is Woman
from W W Norton & Co Inc

Customer Review:
This more or less autobiographical novel excels by its emotional depth.
It shows us the 'human' side of re-education camps and state firms.

The main character is an intellectual democrat, who sees and knows that the Chinese common man has been terrorized, deceived and used as guinea pigs by the... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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3. Baotown Baotown
from W W Norton & Co Inc

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4. Imperial Tombs of China Imperial Tombs of China
from National Portrait Gallery
Price: $19.95

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5. Grass Soup Grass Soup
from Secker & Warburg

Customer Review:
The positive hero (an intellectual) has just been released from a re-education camp and can now work on a state farm. It is still a struggle for survival against hunger and bitter cold. People have to cheat, steal or ask a favourite treatment from their superiors.
During his stay he reads Marx'... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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6. Summer of Betrayal Summer of Betrayal
from Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Price: $18.90

Customer Review:
There has emerged a new genre of Chinese literature which, unfortunately, dominates what gets translated into English. The genre features scenes from post-reform China, through the eyes of a young woman with soaring literary ambitions (but less remarkable talent) who experiments heavily with sex and... more info

Customer Rating:
2.5 / 5.0

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7. My Bodhi Tree My Bodhi Tree
from Secker & Warburg

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8. Paddy Meaghers ordinary and the Bell Tavern, Memphis, Tennessee Paddy Meagher's ordinary and the Bell Tavern, Memphis, Tennessee
from Avery

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9. Hopkins host selection in NIsup2;aIsup2;sIsup2;oIsup2;nIsup2;iIsup2;aIsup2; vIsup2;iIsup2;tIsup2;rIsup2;iIsup2;pIsup2;eIsup2;nIsup2;nIsup2;iIsup2;sIsup2; and its implications for sympatric speciation Hopkins host selection in N??a??s??o??n??i??a?? v??i??t??r??i??p??e??n??n??i??s?? and its implications for sympatric speciation

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