Marie Cambon

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Marie Cambon

1. Lonely Planet China (Lonely Planet China) Lonely Planet China (Lonely Planet China)
from Lonely Planet Publications
Price: $19.79

Customer Review:
Last summer I had the incredible oppurtunity to travel throughout China, from China's wild wild west Xinjian Province to Beijing, when I was only sixteen. Although, from reading others' review of the Lonely Planet Guide, it seems as if it is a horrible way to get around, it sincerely is not. I found... more info

Customer Rating:
3.4 / 5.0

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2. Lonely Planet South East Asia on a Shoestring (Lonely Planet Shoestring Guides) Lonely Planet South East Asia on a Shoestring (Lonely Planet Shoestring Guides)
from Lonely Planet Publications
Price: $16.49

Customer Review:
This is indeed the classic SE Asia book and it keeps getting better. But I agree with the previous reviewer that Indonesia is virtually a different continent adding too much extra weight. However there is a 'mainland SE Asia' book which is very light and easy to carry: Trailblazer's Southeast Asia... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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3. Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore Brunei (Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei) Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei (Lonely Planet Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei)
from Lonely Planet Publications
Price: $14.95

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4. Lonely Planet Indonesia (Lonely Planet Indonesia) Lonely Planet Indonesia (Lonely Planet Indonesia)
from Lonely Planet Publications

Customer Review:
This is currently the best overall guide to Indonesia for independent travellers. It covers enough attractions to keep people occupied for months, and is more than enough for those with an average interest in the country.
As usual with this series, it is strong on practical details like prices,... more info

Customer Rating:
4.4 / 5.0

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