Malcolm Sheppard

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Malcolm Sheppard

1. Exalted: The Lunars Exalted: The Lunars
from White Wolf Publishing
Price: $19.77

Customer Review:
Exalted, the epic anime-style fantasy roleplaying game from White Wolf Game Studio, continues to dazzle like the sun with this, the second hardcover sourcebook, detailing the barbaric Lunar Exalted, the barbarians that worship them, the chaotic realm known as the Wyld, and the beastmen offspring of... more info

Customer Rating:
4.5 / 5.0

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2. Dark Ages Fae: World of Darkness (Dark Ages Vampire) Dark Ages Fae: World of Darkness (Dark Ages Vampire)
from White Wolf Publishing
Price: $19.79

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3. Manacle and Coin (Exalted) Manacle and Coin (Exalted)
from White Wolf Publishing
Price: $13.57

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4. Mage Storytellers Handbook Mage Storytellers Handbook
from White Wolf Publishing

Customer Review:
The Mage Storytellers' Handbook may seem like another one of those optional books that are not necessary for people who have ran many games already. Though this book really isn't necessary for you to run a good game, it does contain a lot of helpful info and tips on how to enhance a Mage game. The... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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5. Tradition Book: Sons of Ether (Mage) Tradition Book: Sons of Ether (Mage)
from White Wolf Publishing
Price: $13.57

Customer Review:
I'll admit it: I'm biased. I've loved the Sons of Ether since the first edition of Mage, back when everything was Mad Science and Pulp Heros. Now, with the revised edition the writers and developer have managed to keep the flavour of the old editions while updating, refreshing, and expanding them to... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0

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6. Akashic Brotherhood (Minds Eye Theatre) Akashic Brotherhood (Mind's Eye Theatre)
from White Wolf Games Studio
Price: $10.17

Customer Review:
Some have complained that this Tradition Book, like many of White Wolf's books about Eastern cultures tries too hard to group them all together.

Personally, I don't think they did such a bad job of it. They DID give a brief overview of various eastern religious and philosophical beliefs. And they... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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7. Ascension (Mage) Ascension (Mage)
from White Wolf Publishing

Customer Review:
After reading Time of Judgment and Werewolf: Apocalypse, I was truly looking forward to this book. Unfortunately, this product is a letdown.

The scenario concepts themselves aren't too bad, but the scenario details are where things fall apart. In one, the Nephandi and the Marauders, formerly two... more info

Customer Rating:
1.7 / 5.0

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8. Tradition Book: Euthanatos Tradition Book: Euthanatos
from White Wolf Publishing

Customer Review:
Tradition Book Euthanatos Revised had a lot to live up to. Afterall, the original Tradition book was one of the best in the series. The Revised book had a balance of story and game mechanics which was great. The story itself was really interesting and showed what the everyday Death Mage has to deal... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0

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9. Celestial Chorus (Mage: The Ascension) Celestial Chorus (Mage: The Ascension)
from White Wolf Games Studio
Price: $10.17

Customer Review:
I have found this Tradion Book to be written in a style that is as entertaining as it is informative.

This book gives excellent information about the many factions and religions that comprise the Celestial Chorus. It also helps to despel the stereotype about the Choristers being a group of... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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10. Dragons of the East (Mage: The Ascension) Dragons of the East (Mage: The Ascension)
from White Wolf Publishing
Price: $19.95

Customer Review:
Personally, I think this was a big mistake on WW's part. While I like the Akashic Brotherhood and many other things, to make such a big difference between (for example) the Western Technocracy and the Asian Zaibatsu is unnecessary. A great story could have been told with the Asian Technocracy trying... more info

Customer Rating:
3.3 / 5.0

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11. Manifesto: Transmissions from the Rogue Council Manifesto: Transmissions from the Rogue Council
from White Wolf Publishing
Price: $16.95

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