Customer Review:
What makes reading the book rewarding for me is the controlled, spare, concise prose that in its stark simplicity conveys the dynamics between two people -specifically, between two women - in a long-term relationship with depth and feeling. Unfortunately Ms. Forrest's calibre of writing is painfully... more info
Customer Review:
This book is another fine example of Katherine Forrest's writing, and Kate Delafield again solves an intriguing mystery. I always look forward to the next installment!
Customer Review:
To keep it pretty short and to the point, I'd say that if you loved "Daughters of a Coral Dawn," then you should read "Daughters of an Amber Noon." The sequel - as is so often the case - is not as good as the original ... but it's not bad, either, and if you finished Coral Dawn wanting to know what... more info
Customer Review:
Katherine V. Forrest, in her Kate Delafield series manages to present a tight, taut mystery along with a political statement, which she doesn't present in a heavy-handed manner. The two just seem to blend seemlessly and if you want to ignore the message (if you can), then you can simply enjoy the... more info
Customer Review:
If you haven't read the Kate Delafield books, now is the time to start! Ms. Forrest puts more effort into character development than any other author I've read, bar none. Each book in the series is chock full of intriguing, plausible suspects, and the returning characters change and grow throughout... more info
Customer Review:
I heard about this book a long time ago, and once I found it, settled in for an objectively good read. I just couldn't put it down! The characters are griping, the writing is superb, and from time to time I still get the warm fuzzies whenever I remember these two wonderful women and the tentative,... more info
Customer Review:
Owen Sinclair, a B-movie director is murdered in a hideous manner. This makes Kate Delafield think the murder was one of revenge. Through sleuthing, she finds that Sinclair was a "friendly witness" during the McCarthy witchhunt era. He spoke to HUAC (House un-American Activities Committee), which... more info
Customer Review:
"Daughters of a Coral Dawn," by Katherine V. Forrest, tells the story of a collective of women who leave Earth to start an all-female society on the distant planet which they name Maternas. The book is a blend of science fiction and lesbian romance novel. Although hokey at times, it's an enjoyable... more info
Customer Review:
Kate Delafied is shot and wounded in a "routine" bust. What really blows her mind is when she finds out that the bullet came not from the criminal but from one of her fellow officers, all of whom are loathe to speak to Kate which makes her even more cranky. Then out of the blue comes a request from... more info
Customer Review:
A young woman is found murdered outside a lesbian bar, and Kate Delafield is on the case. The young woman was a prostitute and a junkie who was rejected by her judgmental parents, all of which gives Kate a plethora of suspects. During the investigation, Kate has a brief liaison with a woman from the... more info
Customer Review:
If you are familiar with the writers published by Naiad, you will find many of them represented here with short stories. Many of them are tantalizing tidbits of what you get in their full length novels.
Customer Review:
I was quite disappointed in this book - it was the first fiction of its kind I have ever read and sadly it lived up to all the negative stereotypes. The husband character in the book is such a cardboard-cut out villian the lesbian lover is a virtual saint. However the author has a real talent for... more info
Liberty Square
from Berkley Publishing Group
Price: $5.99
Customer Review:
Aimee Grant, Kate's partner, and a friend from Vietnam, Melanie conspire to get Kate to attend a 25th anniversary of people who worked together in Vietnam in 1968-1969, the most difficult time of the war. From previous Kate Delafied books, we know that Kate is reluctant to talk about this time,... more info
Customer Review:
If you're looking for something to keep by the bed for a few minutes of reading each night, this would be a good choice. It features short stories by many of Naiad's more popular writers. Erotica is balanced with mysteries and romances.
Customer Review:
It's really tough to branch out and write different kinds of literature - essays, mainstream novels, comedy, short stories, etc. - when everyone expects the author to stay in a certain, small, proscribed arena. In Forrest's case, she is known for writing taut lesbian characters in genre action or... more info
Customer Review:
This collection of short stories is a must read for one reason: the central novella, "Oh Captain My Captain." I liked the other stories, but this story is simply delicious. A young startrooper signs on for a deep space voyage with the mysterious Captain Drake, who has...needs. The needs are... more info