Customer Review:
I buyed this book in Octuber, 2002. Recently I started to read it again. I think this tell many of the book. It is a very useful book and explains complex things in a very easy way. I would recomend this book to anyone that is thinking seriously to go into the XSLT world.
Customer Review:
This book does not teach you the concepts of XSLT. Rather, it truly delivers on a promise of providing answers to common problems. While often books use code to only illustrate the concepts explained, "XSLT and XPath On The Edge" has tons of real world code, some of which I was able to use straight... more info
Customer Review:
This is not an introductory book on XML. At least one year of XML experience is recommended. With that, you'll get good advice on a wide variety of topics. Most people won't use all this information all at once, but it's at least good to know the strengths and weaknesses of XML from storage to... more info
Customer Review:
The book helped me preparing for the IBM certificate for XML (IBM certified solution developer - XML and related technologies), thank you...
Customer Review:
I bought the book,but I can't download source code from now ,anyone can help me? My email is [email protected],can somebody email me the exmple source code?Thanks a lot!
Customer Review:
This book is an excellent addition to the documentation provided with SQLXML, especially if you are just starting to use SQLXML. The book helps you decide if SQLXML is right for your situation. If it is, the book will continue to walk you through some real examples, covering some of the pros and... more info