James Prosek

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / James Prosek

1. Trout of the World Trout of the World
from Stewart, Tabori and Chang
Price: $20.47

Customer Review:
I have been a fly fisherman (Yes I am female and also not politically correct) since I was around age 8 and after pestering my Dad for days to teach me how to cast a line he relented and a great journey began. As well as a library on the subject of fly fishing, tying flies and trout art. Which is... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. A Good Days Fishing A Good Day's Fishing
from Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Price: $10.85

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3. Trout : An Illustrated History Trout : An Illustrated History
from Knopf
Price: $19.77

Customer Review:
I know so many fly fisherman who also do water colour painting, and I think the reason is, it takes the same light hand or wrist action to do both. And I know for a fact that the author paints from personal experience, which means he catches the fish and then uses it as his model so that he gets the... more info

Customer Rating:
4.4 / 5.0

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4. Tackle Box: Note Cards Tackle Box: Note Cards
from Stewart, Tabori and Chang
Price: $13.50

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5. Fly-Fishing the 41st: From Connecticut to Mongolia and Home Again : A Fishermans Odyssey Fly-Fishing the 41st: From Connecticut to Mongolia and Home Again : A Fisherman's Odyssey
from Perennial
Price: $10.46

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6. Go Fish : Fishing Journal Go Fish : Fishing Journal
from Stewart, Tabori and Chang
Price: $12.21

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7. Joe and Me : An Education in Fishing and Friendship Joe and Me : An Education in Fishing and Friendship
from Perennial Currents
Price: $10.36

Customer Review:
The novel Joe and Me by James Prosek is a book about a special relationship between a ranger named Joe Haines and a young boy by the name of James Prosek. James was caught trespassing and fishing without a permit in a local pond near his home in Connecticut. But instead of running a way like his... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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8. The Complete Angler: A Connecticut Yankee Follows in the Footsteps of Walton The Complete Angler: A Connecticut Yankee Follows in the Footsteps of Walton
from HarperCollins Publishers
Price: $18.90

Customer Review:
I enjoyed this book. I was one the people who had heard (quite a bit, actually) of Izaak Walton's "Angler", but had not read it. Prozek's work was the motivation for me to dive into the 17th century for a few hours and read the book. So, if for no other reason, I'm grateful to Prosek. There is a lot... more info

Customer Rating:
3.4 / 5.0

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9. Fly-Fishing the 41st: Around the World on the 41st Parallel Fly-Fishing the 41st: Around the World on the 41st Parallel
from HarperCollins Publishers
Price: $17.61

Customer Review:
The great open spaces of wanderlust and youthful adventure form the landscape of this book. Two themes thread their way like rivers through this landscape: the restless pursuit of trout (and other exotic fish); and a stream of colorful characters, drinking pals, and the occasional lovely lass.... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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10. Early Love and Brook Trout: With Watercolor paintings by the author Early Love and Brook Trout: With Watercolor paintings by the author
from The Lyons Press
Price: $16.47

Customer Review:
Don't think twice..buy anything authored by Prosek. He is an amazing writer now. As he ages his writer's (and painter's) eye will absorb more. If we are lucky, we will look at his observations and see if we can learn his methods. This is the examined life and it is worth every minute of the very... more info

Customer Rating:
4.4 / 5.0

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11. Fly Fishing Is Spoken Here: The Most Prominent Anglers in the World Talk Tactics, Strategies, and Attitudes Fly Fishing Is Spoken Here: The Most Prominent Anglers in the World Talk Tactics, Strategies, and Attitudes
from The Lyons Press
Price: $16.47

Customer Review:
Gleaned from more than 450 hours of live radio interviews, Fly Fishing Is Spoken Here is a handsome volume that belongs on the bookshelf of every literate fly fisher. Interviews with the likes of James Prosek, Ernest Schwiebert, Valerie Haig-Brown, Joseph Humphreys, Robert Linsenman, Fen Montaigne,... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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12. A Song About Myself A Song About Myself
from Simon & Schuster

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13. The Complete Angler The Complete Angler
from Book Sales

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14. James Proseks Fishing 2002 Calendar James Prosek's Fishing 2002 Calendar
from Stewart Tabori & Chang (Cal)

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