Ian Mulgrew

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Ian Mulgrew

1. Amazon Extreme : Three Ordinary Guys, One Rubber Raft and the Most Dangerous River on Earth Amazon Extreme : Three Ordinary Guys, One Rubber Raft and the Most Dangerous River on Earth
from Broadway
Price: $22.95

Customer Review:
Several years ago, I read Joe Kane's "Running the Amazon" and I was interested to hear how Angus' journey compared. Not surprisingly "Amazon Extreme" proved to be every bit as exciting. The part that intrigued me the most was their budget. These three young men had just over ten thousand dollars for... more info

Customer Rating:
4.5 / 5.0

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2. Amazon Extreme Amazon Extreme
from Broadway Books
Price: $8.96

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3. Unholy terror: The Sikhs and international terrorism Unholy terror: The Sikhs and international terrorism
from Key Porter

Customer Review:
A crisply written account of rise of terrorism in Punjab and its relationship with expatriate community. A Non biased and well researched book which provides insight into Sikhism and Punjabi roots and current reality of 80s. Highly recommended to get facts straight.

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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